1999 School Magazine
The QGSSSA ARTISTIC GYMNASTICS competition was both rewarding and exciting All learn members showed extraordinary spirit which made both the training and the competition very enjoyable The competition between the schools, especially with Morelon Bay College, was excellent BGGS displayed an extremely high standard throughout all grades. The Year 8 teams performed exceptionally well, with Year 8 Team I placing first and Team 2 second in their respective divisions. This is a commendable effort considering some of these girls were new 10 gymnastics and had never competed before. Anna Hill obtained the highest scores and was the outstanding gymnast from this level Both the D Grade teams were successful in obtaining premiership pennants, with Prude Cronsioun succeeding as the overall fop scorer at this level The C Grade Team 2 also brought home the premiership pennant, with Team I placing close second in their division Kalen lordine performed wonderfulIy and was the highe scorer in C Grade B Grade Teams I and 2 placed second and third respectively within their single competition. In consideration of the depth and high standard of Grammar Gymnastics, two teams were entered in this level. The overall winner for B Grade was Phoebe MCGiffin, who performed consistsnily well on all apparatus Two teams were also entered in the A Grade division. The A 1111eom placed second in a compeliiion which displayed extraordinary talent. The A Grade team consisted of Clarissa Allen, touren Park, An ita Farmer, Nickie-Lee Hew, Danielle Morrison, Gelaldine Wright, Chioe Walls and Cloudia Campbell. Due to an unfortunate injury during training, Chioe was unable 10 compete, and was appointed as "team in ofivaior". The outstanding A Grade performance came from Cloudia Campbell, which makes her the new interschool Artistic Gymnastics Champion Unfortunately, this year the overall premiership pennant was withdrawn from the competition However, the final score indicated that BGGS would have rebined this pennant for the tenth consecutive Year - something to show for all the long term hard work and dedication put by the girls, their coaches and supporters
This Year saw the formation of a new communitybased club on the school's premises, the Spring Hill Gymnastics Club, established by staff member, Mrs Nicole Robbins. This club has enabled BGGS gymnasts, present and future, to train Year round on site and compete i Regional, Slate and Notional titles and feed smoothly info the QGSSSA teams We confidently look forward to BGGS gymnasis meeiing Ihe challenges of Artistic Gymnastics in 2000 and beyond with the traditional enthusiasm and irue team spirit
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