1999 School Magazine


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aGSSSA BASKETBALL Fifth Row ILRj. Rochel Williams, lessico Arscoft, 1/1/10n Slack, 150belle Allen. lane Menzies. Victoria Goofrey. A10nnah home, Sasho Ulosowski, Aerlyn lames, Geolgino Yellowlees Fourth Row ILRj jasmine Yarbrough, Emma Monmgue. Amelio Kenin, Moilldo Gunn. SIdney Cubasch, Calherine Arscoft, Soloh Spoone, . CIOre Applegorth. Morgan Mogulre, Phillipo Campbell, Lauren Goode Third Row ILRj Rosie Walden, Soloh Benneii. Allcia Slumm, Nikki Paniges. Rochoel Wilkinson. Soroh Cohen lone Hadwen, Kale Prosser. Modeline Spooner, loonno Turner, Gene, Ie, e Bunoris. Casey Ferns. Lisa Wealhe 1150 Parry Second Row IL-Rj Holly Clarke. Emily Rowe. CIOire KOIrosch. Kelly Sounders, Soroh Hack, Nikki Bennett, Gemma Deal. Tegon Burgess. Annobelle KGrrasch. An 110 Former, Iennifer Nicholls. Panayioia brios. Koipona Makoroge. Elizabeih Armsirong, KGviio POW. A exand, a An Ihony F10ni Row ILRi. Adrienne Burrow. Grace Leeming, bra Ulasowski, touro Gay. Edwino George, Bellnda Deal ICOpioinj. Mrs R. Finch ICOordinoiorj, CIOire Corones. loonno Elsy, Najasha Ward. Morel Iesier. Amy Clark Koiherine Sheehy Absent Aleio Archer, CIOre Kenny, Thereso Pan, F10n0 51mmons, Tul a lock, Emilie Wighi. Samaniho Brudere

Grammar BASKETBAtL has consolidated it POSiiion as one o1 the largest sporting groups within the school, with over 90 51udenis competing in the aGSSSA competition and BBl club fixtures. This wa the fourth Year that Grammar has participated in the annual QGSSSA competition, with the I 999 inclusion o1 second Grade 8 and 9 teams The depih of Grammar Basketball was on more proven with many representative players These include, in the Under I4 Brisbane team, Sofah Cohen, Malilda Gu and Rochael Wilkinson. in the Open division, 150belle Allen lurider I8 Brisbane Coltsj, Sasha Ulosowski lurider 18 Brisba Colts, Open Met northi, Lauren Goode lopen Met. Northj and Belinda Deal lurider I8 Brisbane metro's, Open MeI Northj ale also 10 be congratulated on their selection With this depth of talent and a QG squad of 70 51udenis, Grammar achieved solid results with excelleni performances in the Younger age groups. Undefeated premiers for the Year were Year 8A and QB who showed excellent skills and great enthusiasm throughout the season. The Year 8Bs started tentatively bui, with some game experience, the team showed their true colours. As most of these players had never played basketball before, their result of fourth place was a reflection of their determination, spirit, perseverance and good coaching. 11 is very promising 101 the competition next Year



The seasons of the Year QAs and Year I O teams were lull of many highs and lows with o11 players displaying exceptional spirit. The results of fifth and third places respectively do not mirror the lime, effort and sheer courage that both teams put into each game and training Only winning one game for the season, the Senior A team was overwhelmed by tough and close matches and were unfortunate not 10 win more. However, their level of intensity was never lacking. The Open team this year had a hard lime with many setbacks. Despite this the team put in long training hours and effort but was only rewarded with a fourth place overall session

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