1999 School Magazine


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SWIM\41NG Fifth Row reRj Iuiso Hawkins, Suzannoh Froser, lessico Moles, lullo Witherow, Elizabeih Moroney, Colley Cronin. Bellndo Deal, Amber MCRae, Morgueriie Buinoris, Allce Luxion, SOTOh Esiwick. Bellndo Nevell Fourth Row IL-Ri Sotoh Penal, Colilin Orr. Anno Mothews, Allson Cox, Francis Bain, Stephonie Boughen, Ichorn GIIes, losephine Wagsiaft, Anna Moore. Tess O'Golmon, Maria Barker Third Row IL-Ri Elizobeih MCIellon, lulla Dowsett, Anna Taylor. Emma Hellon, Georgia SIGde, lulle Whiling. Megan Kelly, Sophie Smith, Amy Hillhouse, NGOmi Breh, Genevieve Skyie. Annobelle Kanasch, Kale Harries, Pia Cavanogh. NICole Marlin Second Row ILRj Donielle Gregory. Kale Brideoux. Sophie Us OSz. Shonihi Koiyonosundorom. Phoebe MCGillin, Kimberley Thornpson, Courtney Gumbley, lessico Mitchell, Kale MCConn. loanno Turner. A1 Wonchop, Soloh Mo Sobh Shond, Emma Luke, Genevieve Bum0,15, HeIen Balley, Geolgino Mewing Froni Row itRj: Calmen Mak. Emily NGlder, SOTOh Holiom, toura Whish. Krisii-Ellen Neill, Erin Shield ICOCopioin Mrs R Finch Iswimming Coordinatorj. Mrs C Moore, Emma Wonchop ICOCopioinj, Am ando MCKoy, Courtney Hairis, Caroline Gregory, loonno Moore. Calherine Mok Absent Felicity Abrom, Emma Gregg. lone O'Shea, Damco Burns. Honor Conrod, Sorah Splat

in the weeks leading up 10 the aGSSSA competition, training was intense and included three lime trials. These were held o1 the Valley Pool and Centenary Pool and all ran very smoothly. Some of the highlights of training included "ugly log day" for which the girls dressed up in the ugliest, and in some cases, very frilly logs to receive the honour of owning the most revolting logs of the team. The honour went to Allson Cox, with to is a Hawkins coming a close Gregory who were voted the most efficient kickers of the squad. Anna was victorious and holds the title. The lost, and not so enjoyable, event was the retrieval o1 an odorous and ghastly load which caused great distress to the squad training on that particular morning second. A "kick off" was also held belvveen Anna Moore and Caroline

The spirit and determination of the 1999 BGGS swim team was evident throughout the Grammar's overall placing of second, although not first as we had hoped, was a product of these traits, which were apparent on Saturday 13th of March, the aGSSSA competition. Somerville House finished in first place, proving they ore a dominating force in the pool. Despite Grammar's amazing fight to improve its positions from third before the relays, Somerville could not be beaten The aGSSSA competition evolved into both on exciting and rewarding experience for many of the members of the team. The I3 Years age group performed brilliantly, taking the pennant for their age group. The 14 Years placed 5th, I5 Years placed 2nd, 16 Years placed 2nd and the I7 Years placed 4th, proving that Grammar should not be discounted in future Years. Winning individual swims went 10 Felicity Abram in the 13 Years 50m freestyle Division B, Caroline Gregory in the I5 Years 50m breaststroke, Am anda MCKay in the 15 Years 50m butterfly and Belinda I\levell in the I6 Years 50m backstroke Two further outstanding performances included Belinda I\levell, who broke the I6 Years 50m backstroke record, and the I7B freestyle relay team, who broke the record by over Mo seconds in the time o12.00.89 season


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