1999 School Magazine


The Interhouse SWIMMING competition was held at Chandler on 26th February, and proved 10 be another very enjoyable and successful day. This gave the swimmers a good opportunity 10 experience the pool two weeks before the QGSSSA swimming carnival. The competition was very strong and special congratulations must go 10 the following age champions Under 13 Fellcity Abram IHirschfeldj Under I4 Sofah Holtam IEnglandj Under 15 Am anda MCKay IEnglandj Under 16 Belinda Nevell tulleyj Under 17 Carly Cronin ILilleyj Carly Cronin also won the Open 50m Freestyle Championship and was named the Overall School Champion


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SWIMMING AGE CHAMPIONS Under I3 - Felicily Abram IHirschfeldj, Under 14 - Soloh Holiam IEnglandj. Under I5 - Am anda MCKay IEnglondj, Under 16 - Bellnda Neve11 11illeyj. Under 17 - Carly Cronin lulleyj

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