1999 School Magazine



Although persistent wei weather resulted in 5 out of 9 SOFTBALt games unplayed resulting in the cancellation of the season, both the Open and Senior A teams enjoyed The Open team welcomed two Year I O rookies, Gelaldine Wright and Amy Hillhouse. Both girls were welcome additions 10 the Open squad which won 3 of their 4 games, defeating arch rivals Clayfield College 5-4. Batting continued to be the team's strong point with five squad members over .333. Naomi Hands was outstanding with the bai finishing the four games with a .555 batting average The Senior A team struggled o1 the start of the season as they were unable to benefit from the regular injection of Year I O players because of the new Year I O team competition at the end o1 the Year. The day was saved by two courageous cricketers, Koiherine Clarkson and Nablie 15bel and MO Year I I "newies", Iulia Dowsett and Koiharine Cowper. Koiherine Clarkson not only increased squad numbers, but also bravely look 10 the pitching mound to shoulder this very difficult responsibility This cancellation of the season was unprecedented and, hopefully, will not be repealed. Fortunately, representative softball was not hindered and we congratulate Geordan Shannon IMelropoliian North Open Team, Under 16 Brisbane Team and Under 15 Queensland Teamj and Kirby Short lurider 14 Brisbane Capminj on their selections some success

OPEN AND SENIOR A SOFTBALL Third Row 11-Rj. Amelio Keriin, Alexondro Downs, IOClyn Scales, F10no North, Noon Hands, Koiherine Clarkson Second Row IL-Ri Iulio Else, Dominique Mayo, lullo Dowse", Amy Hillhouse. Erin Lamberi. Cotherine Bradbeor, lessica Hairison, Nodie 15bel Front Row IL-R!. Gelaldine Wright, ionei Anderson, MIChelle Be utai ICOachi. Kylie O'Suilivon ICOpioinj, Mrs P. Halveyshort ICOochj, Koihorine Cowper, jusveei Rokhro Abseni ETin Miller, Elizabeih Ickic




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