1999 School Magazine





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CAPTAINS OF SPORT Fourth Row itRj Belmdo Deal 1805keibollj, Corly Cronm IWCier Poloj, lone Menues INeibollj. atobeih kidd 1805keibollj Third Row itRj Sotoh 8110msky ICross Couniryj. Alexondro Harris ICrickeij. Clarissa Allen IAriisiic Gymnosiicsj. Soroh Esmick INeiball & Won Poloi, Elm Shield 15w^mining & Hockeyj, Alexondro Downs IVClleybolli Second Row IL-Ri' Noomi Brat IEquesi, 10ni, Kale Moiley 150^lingi. Geolgino Mewing IAIhlehcs. Copiern o1 aGSSSAj, Mrs P Halveyshori, Emma Wonchop iswimm rig & Rowing, Capioin o1 Club Sporij. Kale Hodgkinson ITennisj, Kylie O'Suilivon 150fibollj Fronl Row ILRi Lauren Pork IAriisiic Gymnosiicsj, Andreo Noon IRhyihmic Gymnasticsi, Koihorine Barrom IAIhleiicsi, Alexondro Gillies IFencingj, Penelope Show IRQwingj. Fellcity Mye, s IRhyihmic Gymnasiicsj, Kelly Sounders ICross CountryI Abseni 010ne Hopiey IHockeyj, Gobrielle Dole IEquesirionj


I999 was viewed as an experimental Year for the aGSSSA with three new sports ITouch Football, Table Tennis and Badmintonj introduced, new terminology for teams established, additional teams and overall pennants available in the core sports of Swimming, Cross Country and Athletics BGGS entered new teams in all traditional sports. The aim of these additions was to increase opportunities for participation and to provide each o1 the sports with greater depth. The names of these teams also changed with the highest ranked team in the sport being called the Open Team, composed of members from any age group; the Senior A, B and C teams being teams drawn from Years I I and I2, and Year I O, Q and 8 teams having their own divisions

This Year also marked the return o1 the original design of the BGGS Sports Brooch which was changed in I 97 I . Sports Brooch winners will once again receive a brooch in the original design of Doroihea Stephens, a Grammar girl in I9I7

Girls Grammar experienced another highly successful year, winning a wide range o1 premierships and dominating the Cross Country, Tennis and Volleyball Unfortunately, the weather was 10 play a dominant part in this Year's sport with the abandonment of

the Open/Senior Softball season in March and the postponement of the Cross Country and several winter fixture cancellations


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