1999 School Magazine
The Girls Grammar Drama Club is a magical place where You could meet witches, lions, fairies, gnomes, and even a King and Queen or two, or at least this I999'5 Drama Club Production o1 Year The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe by CS Lewis was an enchanting tale of four children's journey through a magical wardrobe. This was a challenging and exciting production to under toke and Drama Club handled it with its usual focus and sense of fun. This focus and fun would not have been achieved without the valuable help and support of many people. Thanks must go to Am anda Walkins and Catherine HOTringion for their amazing work in the tech. box, and 10 Allira Power and Nablie and Elizabeth Christensen for taking on the enormous task of costuming the various assorimeni of creatures in this Year's play Last, but certainly not least, a huge thankyou must 90 10 Koirino Torenbeek, our Director, who has made the success of this year possible. Good luck 10 everyone involved in Drama Club next Year, and we hope that they find as much joy in Drama club as there has been this Year CIOire Eininison and Gaitlin Gohan
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DRAMA CLUB Fifth Row ILRj Ashley 51ee!e. Morgan Mogulre, Koiherine Ken. Aerlyn lames. Bellnda MCRoe. lone For, Holding, Vanes so Roihwell Foulih Row ILRj, Emma Benison. Lauren Roemermonn, Modelin Newman, Anno Wolsh. Allce Wallholl, Hayley P Samaniha Bonning. Kale MCCrossin Third Row ILRI Hannoh Verroll. Soloh Hancock, Elizobeih Logon. lessico O'Connor, Georgino Porkei, Shannon 0'5ullivon. Cynihio Chang. Koviia POW, Feinty AUSiin Second Row 11-Ri Sally Bellord, Phillipo Campbell, Rochel Thornpson. Zoe Brand, NGOmi Lewis. Colly Godden. Allx Vonn, lessico Clark, Zaro Rakemiulo, Chice Cooper, Emma Iewis Froni Row 11-Rj Taro Gascoigne, Shehora Mendis. Elisobeih Goldon. Pouline Bapsi, Mrs P Murphy, CIOire Einin Calllin Gohon, Ms K Torenbeek. A1yio Rohemiulo, Iennife, 0'811en, Rackael Block, Angelo Sheu Absent Leoh Rickords. Cherise De Vere, Rochel Williams, Am ando Wakins
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