1999 School Magazine


Theatre Dance provides its members with a very enjoyable and entertaining method of music appreciation and personal expression and, of the same lime, assists in maintaining fitness levels Our most recent performance in the Gershwin concert, I Gol Rhythm, in August was certainly one of the highlights of this Year's active Theatre Dance program. We enjoyed the opportunity o1 dancing in the concert with the music groups of the School. The venue, costumes and choreography were all magnificent

The extremey popular and entertaining lunch-lime concert in May was another highlight of the Year. This concert consisted of both group and solo performances, and included a variety of dancing styles. The Gehrmann Theatre had never seen so many dancers on stage at one lime! Our performance of Expo '99 in October was lust as exciting and featured popular dance routines with a distinct Austin Powers theme Special thanks must be given 10 SOTO Kersnovske, our choreographer and former Theatre Dance Captain 11 9971 for her devotion 10 the club throughout the Year and the enthusiasm which she has instilled into all Theatre Dance members. Sincere thanks must also be extended 10 Kale Gilmore, my Assistant, and 10 Mrs Murphy and Mrs MCConaghy for their ongoing support of Theatre Dance

Christe Kersnovske Theaire Dance Copta'n




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