1999 School Magazine


IESUS CHRIST SUPERSTAR During Semester I , actors, singers,

musicians and backstage crew of Brisbane Girls Grammar School and Anglican Church Grammar School combined their talents 10 produce what was one of our most successful joint productions Throughout these tortuous 4 months the senior students and skiff of both Grammar and Churchie devoted, both mentally and physically, hours of afterschool lime and many weekends 10 perfect this labulous musical


Over three incredible nights 16, 7, 8 MayI these dedicated troupers displayed their 101enis to the greater school communities and provided them with a new look at this magnificent musical. The performances were excellent, enhanced by wonderful lighting, costumes and singe design. The singers, musicians and backstage crew were polished and professional Special thanks must go 10 Mrs Murphy, Ms Mecklem and Mrs Edwards whose ingenious and imaginative direction ensured our production was a 91eai success Mora Black


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