1999 School Magazine
41 ,,
On 15 April the Grammar community assembled in Silohn's Cathedral for the annual E Celebration. This Year had a special significance as it was Ihe 20th Anniversary of the tragic accidental Christmas Creek that claimed the lives of staff member 10hn Siamford, his wifejanelle in6e Wherryj and students HeIen Gohan and Nion Skaines. The service was a particularly moving occasion with Reverend A10n Dale reflecting on the accident and the Easier message with the readings and music supporting and enhancing this theme The centrepiece o1 the service, the Gloria by Vivaldi, was beautifully sung by the newly formed Grammar Singers, a combination of singers from BOYS and Girls Grammar, and accompanied by the Chamber Orchesiro. Handel's Hallelujah Chorus, in which the congregation participated, brought proceedings 10 a joyous conclusion. This event was a fitting tribute to all whose lives were touched by the sad events of 21 April I 979
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