1999 School Magazine

sT PATRiCl<' S DAY Gol^^IC E R

Of the many concerts the Girls Grammar Music Department stages, one of the Year's earliest was a tribute to Ireland's SI Pairick's Day. Held on I7 March the Irish-themed concert was an opportunity for the school and wider community 10 view and hear the remarkable talent among the many music students at this early stage of the school Year. As one of their goals for the Year, the music staff, together with the School Music Captains, were aiming for the younger and older musicians 10 work together, in order 10 help both groups of students appreciate the efforts of their peers. The 51 Panick's Day Concert was a perfect starling point for this, with the program featuring groups from all levels and from all age groups of the School With the 'green' atmosphere of the wonderfulIy decorated auditorium, the evening began as the Irish fiddlers look to the stage, playing mostly traditional fiddle music doling from the I 8th and I 9th centuries. There was a tremendous response 10 the fiddlers as the Irish mood look over and the audience settled in for a night of fantastic entertainment. Following the opening act, the Year 8 Classroom Music Choir performed two lively and spirited Irish folksongs. For many of these


Young performers, this was their first lime performing in such a concert, and their enjoyme of the event was obvious in their smiles and voices. As the first half of the program progressed, the diversity of the groups was demonstrated, including a recorder consort, Chamber Orchestra, Chamber Singers and the flutes o1 Ensemble Spirito Interval entertainment was a great success, with the four 'Irish women' talking of the good old days and the luck of the Irish, raising a chuckle from the audience The music continued as the Symphonic Winds began the second half of the evening, playing among other pieces, a composition which originated from the

famous Irish folksong, O Danny Boy Next on skige were the amazing

movements of the Irish Dancers, followed by a vocal solo, and the Symphony Orchestra, playing the popular lord of the Dance The spectacular musical evening was drawn 10 a close by the choir leading the crowd in an Irish blessing. On the whole, the SI Pairick's Day celebration was one of the most remarkable and memorable musical displays of the Year


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