1999 School Magazine


The Biennial Combined Schools' Festival was an additional event senior BGGS instrumentalists had 10 look forward 10 With most Grammar schools from around Australia gathering in Sydney this Year, the girls had a tremendous lime: making music, socialising and sightseeing


Third term meant the launch info Ihe Instrumenbl and Vocal Competitions

The participation of students was fanbsiic, and the support by peers was encouraging The following students are to be congratulated on their winning performances

lanei Anderson 11 I Gj - The ACie Alexina Gillies Memorial Prize for Violin 100, y Khafagi 19Wj - BGGS Siring Prize lone Menzies 112Gj - BGGS Vocal Prize A1anna Conway I I I Wj - BGGS Brass Prize

Geolgina Pearce I I I Bj - BGGS Woodwind Prize Alexandra tarsen 1801 - BGGS Percussion Prize

Calm Mullins 19Rj - The Voida Rowenia Gillies Prize for Pia He Ien Godrey 19Bi - The Wight Memorial Medal for Music Tegan Dovey 11 I Bj, Shannon Tow 11 211, LindsaY MCGralh 11 ORj - Recorder Trio - Gillies Ensemble Prize Winners As a new concept for this Year, rather than have o11 the prize winners perform o1 the Artists in Concert evening on the Friday night, 4 semi final isis were chosen 10 play as well as the winner of the Gillies Ensemble Competition and the Chamber Orchestra and Choir. The 4 semi final isis were HeIen Godfrey, lane Menzies, Cainin Mullins and lanet Anderson, who exemplified the devotion and ability of many of the students at BCGS. However, there could only be one winner of the R. T. and A. E. Iefferies BUTSory, and that wasjone Menzies The incredible maturity of her voice led 10 remarkable rendiiions of He Shall Feed His Fbck from The Messiah by Handel and VWoria Mio Core by Colissimi The BGS Combined String Festival gave the senior siring students the opportunity to mix and make music with students from a wide variety of schools across Brisbane. The concert on the Friday night showcased the hard work o1 the 7050mething students involved in the combined string orchestra, as well as some of the participating schools' orchestras The introduction of the Lunchtime Concert Series was a fantastic idea. 11 gave opportunities for many groups, especially chamber groups, to display their line efforts for the Year by playing for an audience. Not only this, but it increased the profile of music within BGGS, with sell out crowds attending the performances in the Gehrmann Theatre or on the Stage lawn. The "Lunchtime Concerts" were not even restricted 10 lunch times, as sometimes the voices of the Grammar choirs could be heard as one entered the school grounds in the morning. A lovely start 10 the day! The BGGS Siring Quartet, comprising lanei Anderson, Alexandra Gillies, Eleanor O'Golman and Courtney Lind, played o1 many functions throughout I 999, including the Mothers Luncheon, Father/Daughter Dinner, Old Girls Centenary Dinner and the Celebration Dinner o1 the Olympians Club BY the end o1 the Year the BGGS Musical Calendar was bursting of the seams. 11 has been a great experience 10 be involved with such talented musicians and in such a supportive



Lothika Viihanage


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