1999 School Magazine


I999 has been Yet another spectacular Year of music making o1 BGGS. Under the direction of Mr Mark SUIlivan, the instrumenta program has reached an o11 lime high, with the quality of performances rising 10 an even greatsr level. With students able 10 perform at more and more occasions, the profile of instrumental music of BGGS has been significantly raised Once again it was a bustling stari to the Year with the Annual Music Camp at Dakabin in February. The camp was combined for Chamber Orchestra, Symphonic Winds and Symphony Orchestra members. This was a delighfful combination o1 students, and their eagerness o1 rehearsals meant a fantastic program could be produced for parents on the Sunday onernoon. The students also enjoyed a number o1 fun activities coordinated by their


Music CAPTAINS 11-Rj Iud!Ih Hainsworih, Iennifer MacGillivroy, CIOirejockson, Loihiko Viihonoge

I999 music captains: Iudiih Hainsworih, Clotsjackson, Iennifer MacGillivray and Lothika Viihanage. The Choir Camp followed soon alter, with the Chamber Choir going 10 jinbil for a relaxing, song+lited weekend There were many memoroble performances during the year, most notably, the SI Panick's Day Concert, the Easter Service and the Proms Concert. The Anzac Day Service of SI Andrews Hospital, the jazz Workshop, the Red Cross Doorknock Appeal launch and the Solo and Ensemble Performance Week, gave students a further locus and the opportunity 10 enhance their skills. Also, the May Concert Series, consisting of three Friday night concerts during the month of May, was a huge success, with refined performances by o1mosi every senior, intermediate and junior group On Iune I6, the Chamber and Symphony Orchestras had the pleasure of hosting the Queensland Philharmonic Orchestra for the day. Activities in the early part o1 the day included a 'hand clopping/fool stomping' piece for strings and winds, and a version of Purple Haze - originally by Iimi Hendrix - for siring orchestra. Whoever knew electric guibr distortions could be recreoied on a violin I The sound produced when combining the two orchestras was incredible, and blew the socks off the Year I OS who were the lucky grade chosen 10 attend the concert o1 the end of the day in the Gehrmann Theatre They also had the pleasure of hearing the sweet melody of the Beethoven Romance in F, in a breathbking performance by Lothika Viihanage, who w s fortunate enough 10 be accompanied by Ih aPO



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