1999 School Magazine
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SYMPHONIC WINDS Fifth Row ILRj Calheiine Horringion, Elecnor O'Gormon, lessico Heading, lone MCCrory, lone Boulion, Koiherine Mercer, Coffin Goss. Genevieve Storkey. Nablie 15bel Fourih Row ILRj, Tesso Nail, Alexondro Davison, Sophie Ferris, A10nno Conwoy, Koihorine See, HeIen Kim. Lauren Daley, Kale Williams Third Row ILRj, Geordon Shannon, IOCquel:ne Marks, lulle Whiting, Allson Grillin. Sally Come, Georgina Pearce, bura Pearson, 010no Grillin. Allson Lonie. Calherine Bradbeor Second Row IL-Ri Sialia Chiu, CIOire Olive. Tonyo Ross, Phoebe MCGiflin, Dominique Mayo, Vanes so Youn . Koioni Dios, Gwendolen Wornick, Kimberley Thornpson, Amy Magne"I, Sally Douglas, loonno Connor Froni Row IL-Rj Koiherine Seele. Calherine Anderson, 11nda Kernp, 1150 F1ini, Ienniler MacGillivroy, Mr C Dabelsie Sandro Turk. Am anda Crommelin, loonne Lock, lonei Anderson, Iennifer Cheung Abseni Tess Palmer, CIOi, e Humphreys
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BIG BAND Third Row ILRj Nablie is bel, Koihryn Balloniyne, COM1n Goss, Genevieve Storkey, Alexandro Corier Second Row 11-Rj: Sally Brand, Rosie Downing. Calherine Bradbear, Ajison toriie. lulle Whiting. Toma, a MacGinle Froni Row 11{I land Smith. tindo Kernp, Gwendolen Wornick, Mr C Dabelsiein. Milondo Corson, Lisa F1ini, Iudith Hamsworih
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