1999 School Magazine
made up during the week But she needed to think. Standing up, she admired the view, she felt like she could fly, with the wind whispering through her hair, and the sun kissing her face, when suddenly, she lei her grip slide. She began 10 fall. Slowly at first. Bui after a couple of feet, she was moving fast. Spinning. Around and around and around, so fast in fact, that all You could see was a blonde blob caught in some sort o1 a twister. Falling 11 seemed like an eternity, tmoybe it was?I Her face was frozen with fear. Down. More violently now, picking up speed as she continued 10 fall lower. Her hands and feet were fixed in an unnatural and very awkward position. She was dressed up in a stunning satin evening gown, but it 100 was still. Not moving. just spinning. Then STOP! There was no piercing scream. just a simple sigh from above. She was caught in one o1 the middle branches, hanging by her long golden locks. She did not move. Maybe it was because she was too terrified, for if she moved she would surely fall, or maybe she was in such a slate of shock that she couldn'I. Whatever the reason, it didn't last for long Her hair slowly gave way, strand by strand, piece by piece, until her weight was too great for the few locks left. Down. This lime she fell with a lot more speed, and a 101 more force Head firsi and straight down. The grey distance was getting closer. Her twinkling blue eyes were peaceful, as if she was nearly smiling, jinaybe laughing?I Faster. Beautiful pink lips cautiously revealed a hint of while from sparkling clean and perfectly straight teeth Years of o11hodoniic work, and thousands of dollars, had perfected those gleaming babies, but the damage from the next three minutes, would completely knock them apari, but that was the least of her worries. For her perfectly proportioned body was soon 10 be a crumbling heap on the hard, on the rough gravel surface that was fast approaching Closer and closer, faster and faster. Her life flashed before her: doctor, lawyer, business woman, rock star, astronaut and much, much more. She had accomplished so much not only for herself, but for many women around the world, and in a matter of seconds it was all going to come 10 a violent end BANG! She collided with the cold grovel head first. Hard. Her head wasn't fixed on properly, more like it had been through a run with the guillotine. Eyes wide open, still sparkling blue. Nails still perfectly manicured, noi a hint of damage there. Both of her arms were sprawled and displaced, showing that her bone structure had been moulded into a mere nothing. Her golden blonde hair was sparkling in the hot sun, if was missing a large clump, Yet was still beautiful and for the most part, in place. She'd 1051 one of her shoes on the way down, but her fool was fixed in a strange position, with it appearing as if she was still wearing a high heel shoe, with her fool and toes pointed. But that wasn't the main point of focus, as the fact that her left leg was up around her head was a little more concerning. Totally detached from the rest of her body The family dog lay awake nearby. 11 come over for a closer look. Not being a lifesaving kind of dog as seen in the Swiss Alps, it simply stood over her and started dribbling all over her red stained gown. 11 Ihen began 10 gnaw at one of her perfectly toned, ianned and extremely long legs, each bite, leaving devastating teeth marks and future scars in her once smooth, and supple skin. Her 'mother' came over 10 chase him away. She picked up the several bits of the girl and ran quickly inside shouting, "Mummy! Mummy! Look what Rover did 10 my Barbie!" Nina Lamprell, I O Lilley
FALLING 11 was such a nice sunny spring day,
walking around in the garden. She loved her golden, well, really nature in general, with the sweet lingering smell of her loses, and the controlling colours of deep Yellow from her wattle trees and the vibrani purple from the large localanda tree lust outside the kitchen door, 10 the sing-song sounds from the many native birds that ITequenied the garden. She had exponsive grounds around her home, so she would spend most of her days finding new plants and animals, discovering new passages, making up new stories to play in her head. But today was different, she lust wanted 10 be alone with her 'mother'. They were very close, more like sisters. She was only small, so her 'mother', picked her up and took her high up in the beautiful flowering localanda tree Thai was their secret place, their Hideoway from the rest of the world. They would usually lust sit there, sometimes talk, or sometimes play some of the stories they had
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Treasury Mask Am anda Walkins 12 Grimh PHOTOGRAPHY
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