1999 School Magazine



Cyclic Hoarder Oppression, weighed down by junk,


A girl cries out in pain, as worn hands hold her down Her kin, her gender, drive the glass into soft pink skin She is still too Young 10 understand, why men decide 10 do this She won'I understand any of the hurt and scarring, until she finds a lover She'll go through pain while men h pleasure

Useless accumulation, IUTgid leiid flow mind drags, Possession flood, king tide collection swirls and eddies, Buffeiing "things" caretaker between moored brown boxes, Obscuring life's purpose with materialist tsunami, Belongings marooned, evidence of passage rites, Childhood remnants flotsam and jetsam, Barbie bedecked,

Shoal o1 periodic crazes, red handled skipping rope, electric orange elastics, Capmin Padding ton Bear abandoned, drifting forlornly in cardboard boat, Camphored clothing waves, outgrown worn out fashion lads hand-me-down rejects Fit me some day, wear me one day 51inky, silky, seaweed slacks, Plastic bagged marine CFeaiure threat, sulfocaiing, asphyxiaiing, Book barrage serpent; surging, spiralling, swelling, swallowing, Drowning in vortex of chanel craziness Garage sale bail out, promised liberalo, pressure release, discharging, draining,

and suffer every day from then on Until her jewel is born, deformed Everlasting Pain Geordan Shannon Winner: Mary Alexis MCMillan Poetry Competition Year 8 Award, I 998

life broom, uriclutiering, uriclogging, cleansing, filtering, purifying, Disasier relief, emergency crew mop up, carting self selected crates, Earnest assembly loading containers, cars docked on skindby, Merchandise consigned 10 new destination, Diminishing flow of ownership excess, Departing, freeing, emptying, Holy water of simplicity, Minimal ism Slow seepage,

Trickle of acquiremenis, Siren sounds unheeded, Cyclic flood returns

Sophie Ferris Winner: Mary Alexis MCMillon Poetry Competition Year Q-l O Award, 1998



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