1999 School Magazine


An Ocean of Memories

Not only capturing, but washing, bottling and packaging the whole memory, preserving each second 10 be relived exactly. Nothing forgotten, no exaggerations. No place 10 dream Slowly, people have forgotten their natural memories. And like a forlorn toy 11 out in the rain, they've slopped working. However, instead of lading away like a 9019 0us sunset, leaving only a wispy web of scattered sounds and places, they harden The frightening, the sad, the happy, the peaceful. All dissolving into each other and forming a solid object. An object whose physical being is quite indescribable. Indescribable in the way it is impossible 10 put into words the first swim of summer, the stars on a clear night or the meaning of love Each object as different and individual as the memories inside. A scattering of hopes, dreams, achievements and experiences 100 precious 10 be left 10 waste away. As the last free memory is locked into place, an object so startling Iy beautiful, almost a dream in 'isell, is formed Silver rays o1 laughter enMined in dark clouds of anger. Sharp edges and terse words moulding into soft voices and friendly smiles. All the hugs, kisses and bursts o1 sunshine immersed beside Ihe fears, hurt and life lessons. An object with no material value, bui whose contents are sacred to those who the memories belong Try to imagine the ocean on a summer's day. Go beyond the splashing children and tanning parents, past all human interference, out into the clear, untoinied blue. Once You have reached this blue the blue of a midsummer night, a freshly opened iris, a baby's e es upon first opening, slop Now, sink slightly beneaih the surface, enveloping Yourself in the crysbl water. Open your eyes lust as the first rays o1 a summer sunset hii the water. Gaze deep info the water, photographing in Your own mind the way the sun penetrates the water. Liquid gold shooting stars through the misty water. Keep Ihis imagery of unspeakable beauty with You always, for not only is this the substance memories are mode o1, this is what memories themselves create A little girl sits gazing up of her grandmother. Her ocean blue eyes widen in amazement and adoration as she listens to the old woman. Unknown to the child, her grandmother is even more special than she could possibly imagine. In an age of technology and quick-fix methods, there is only one natural memory left. in the whole world only one mind that contains a lifetime worth of experiences, unhindered and unchanged The old woman sits in a straightbacked chair. Head erect, feel neatly crossed, eyes 510ring into the distance. Her claw-like hand rests softly on the dark curls of the child crouching o1 her feet. From the 5011 wrinkled mouth of the woman comes stories. Not of crystal cosiles and silver moats, nor are there any dragons or princesses. Fairytales are reserved for the picture books instead she speaks of a faraway lime. The long-lost mother she never knew, her firsi lime dancing in silk stockings with hair coiled high, her little black kitten called Soot. From Ihese lips come forth a story like no other. A story to outdo all Hollywood creations, this is the story of a lifetime. As the liquid words wash around the room, they form a Iulbby of Soothing and relaxing both listener and teller. Grandparent and child are united memories with appreciation as images create themselves and tell a story of their own The old woman's eyes are looking but not seeing. The clear blue irises are misty, a veil of memories has been lowered. Her most precious possession has no material value, no describoble characteristics. Now, she is sharing it with a precious child. Passing it down, each memory a sparkling gift. Never 10 be forgotten Elise Barker, I I England ***

An army is formed within the human mind A tumble of words, sounds, pictures and thoughts ready 10 be commanded by the be holder in a mailer o1 seconds. Able 10 conquer the demons that lurk behind human eyelids. loneliness, anger and fear are banished from the conscious realm of the human mind, as soothing words, sparkling laughter or the imagery of a beautiful flower are summoned to appear. Unearihed from the unknown and unexplainable, they calm a fluttering heari and still a racing mind All possess them, from the tiniest child to the oldest man. Memories are stepping-stones on the path of life, easing the mistakes, sharing the joy Once, a memory was held purely within the mind. A sensation deemed important enough 10 be tucked away in that warm, coinlori zone of the brain. Waiting 10 be called upon at an appropriate time - sometimes being revived as sparkl'rig and fresh OS the day it was captured, other times resurfacing with cracks and dents, slightly dusty, Yet still received with fond smiles and wisfful, faraway looks Nowadays, people have outgrown their natural memories. Photographs, videos and tapes 'capture the magic moment' instead

Urban G o51 Gleer Ginoes I I Mockay PHOTOGRAPHY


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