1998 School Magazine
-a S. ^
Girls Grammar ^, rhool ;!artsbane 1998
e had a lot of things we wanted to do during our we needed help, they helped us, so we had no problems. We summer vacation in Australia. We worried a lot before enjoyed talking to them, having inQining tea and lunch. We all we came here, but now, where are these anxieties? We were think BGGS is a really wonderftil school. We will never forger surprised at lots of things in Australia. in Australia, there is a lot yoLir kindness Mie Girls having fun in At^tra. .Iia. .
of nature, animals like sheep, horses, cows, kan- garoos, koalas, beautiful birds, and beautiful places We think it is a wonderful environinent the To our surprise, school system in Australia is inL!ch different from that of Japan. in Australia, SLu- dents can choose the sub- Iects they want to study. in At1st rana, students can talk and ask a lot of questions during the classes, and they have a morning tea time We love it very much. in classes, it was hard to for us to speak and listen to English, but friends' or teachers' smiles made us relieved. it was great fun to go to school We went to a lot of
Also we had a gi'eat time with our host fami- lies. They took us to many places. There were a lot of things we had never seen They were beyond descrip- lion. They were veiy kind, and always worried about Lis. Qin' stay in Australia became fLin day by day We Were Very in teleSted in Australia before we came here. All the things which happened in Australia are good memories we will never forget We think that to coin- inuntoate with foreign peo- PIG is very important Through communication, we can understand their feelings. We will never forget the people we have met
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St""dt, ,g (Z-R): M H, 'oki', y IPI^^1,120, C Mt, to Sected (L-R): Jul. Haring, ,chi, E. K, ,1,414da, MIS L L"247,
I'. Kan, ""0, C Maltago Abse"t. N. Ok, 1,111, ,a
places during our stay, for. example, the city, the Woolshed, Lone Pine and Morelon Is- land. They were so nice, and there were a lot of animals we could feed and touch. We could get to know the wild nature One day, we sang three Japanese songs in assembly. We were so embarrassed, bLit they are good memories. We have a lot of good friends in BGGS. The girls were very friendly, and always spoke to Lis. Whenevei
Thank yoti very much, teachers of BGGS, our friends, host families, and other people we met. We love Australia
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