1998 School Magazine

Iris 6rammar ^iconol ;BrtSbane 1998

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Two Months in Australia

his is my second study trip to Australia, andl have found course, freedom demands responsibility, so I have had to think many differences between Australia and Japan. The properly and take action by myself. I need to have my own

opinion. in my two months in Australia, I have had many good experiences, such as the home stay, learning about AUStral- ian culture and making friends with BGGS students I would like to thank Mrs Hancock, my parents and my wonderful host fam- 11y, for' giving me this opportunity. I will never forget these two months NORIKO OKAMURA TSUSHIMA GIRLS' HIGH SCHOOL

differences are not only language but also the size of the houses and land There are many kinds of people - Chi- nese, Korean, Filipinos and so on - living in Australia. There are also many big shopping centres and much nature But everyday life is very quiet and that is the main difference, I think. At school I lead a relaxing life every day because school regulations are less strict than those of our school in Japan. Compared with Japan, I feel Australia has more freedom, so I have lived a full life. Of



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17n. om the Heart

Another thing that I have learned from this visit is the importance of friends. I have a few months until I go back to Japan so I think there are still more things to learn. However, I know that the most precious thing you can have is good and close friends. One day, when I was going to my first lesson, I couldn't find the place and I was confused. One of my friends

his is my third visit to Australia so I already knew about Australian culture when I arrived here. However this one year program has been my dream since I was little. I also didn't wony about being homesick. Actually, there were many things which I didn't know. Not only am I learning about Australian culture and English, but also I can know both the good and bad things about Japan

came up to me and offered to help me Even though she had to go to her own class, she helped me out in that situa- Lion. Another day, I was worried about many things and couldn'I stop myself from crying. This was when my friend stayed with me and sat next to me. She made me realise how important friends are. in the near futtire if I meet a hardship, I will not give Lip and I will confront the ITardship I like to nieet people so I can get to know ITIany different things. However, if I 111eet solneone, it means that a parting is coming some day. Often, it is possible to see that person again and I can look foi\\, atd to 11Teeting again one day

I have also found some differences between the Australian and Japanese personality. I have one thing which I love. 11 is "the way to express the feel- ing". I cry easily, so if I am moved I always cry. Whenl was in Japan, I felt a little bit ashamed to cry in front of peo- PIe, because I thought if I cry, eveiyone will think I'm a chicken so I was patient often One day a friend of mine talked to me


about this. She said, "Yo\I don't always have 10 be patient. Of collrse, patience is important, but sometimes you need to express yoLu' feelings, and this ITelps to understand inariy feelings better. That's good, and ITTany AustraliaiT girls are like you, Ytiri. " I realised then that I can show ITTy friends ITow 1'1n really feeling Almost all of nty Australian friends are warmhearted. it their friends ale LIPSet, they sympathise witli them and give thenI a hug to coinfoit them. On the o11ter ITand, if 11\eti' friends are happy about something, they shout and cheer' together and again give each other a ITLig. Hugging has lots of meanings. I love to hug and I think it is very important

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Althougli tilere nave been times 11\is year WITen I have felt sad and lonely, nTost of the time I ITave really enjoyed ITtyself 11 ITas been a wonderful experience for me Mrs Hancock, all the teachers, the ITost families and my friends, thank you so 111ucli for' this year. I'm so happy that I could get to know you


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