1998 School Magazine

@^It15 Grammar ^, choul a!aristane 1998



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Clinnese Study Trip

n Thursday, seventeen September, a group of seven- On arrival in Shanghai, we were greeted at the station by teen Grammar Girls accompanied by Mrs Br6rs, Mr & representatives of oLir Sister School - The Shanghai No. 3 Girls

Middle School. We were then taken to school and met by our host sisters. Luckily o11r host sisters spoke very good English; otherwise there may have been a few communication prob- Iems. During the school days we attended many classes, such

Mrs Thornquist and Mrs Hancock departed for China. Our destination was the capital, Beijing, and we arrived without much sleep on Friday morning We were met at the airport by our tour guide, Ma Fei, and proceeded to the Asia Vision Hotel,

as English, Maths, Physics, Drawing, Art, P. E. , Seal Carving and Calligraphy. The Seal Carving and Calligra- phy classes were the most interesting as they are both typically Chi- nese and none of us had ever done activi- ties like them. Both took time, care and pa- lience. Our favourite lesson was probably English because all the attention was focused On LIS and we were asked questions the whole lesson The school was dif- afternoon to the Shang- hai T. V. Tower, and we had a day trip to an old town called SLi ZhoLi Staying with host families Is an experi- ence travellers can't buy. We were treated like royalty, and were showered willI gifts The families were will- iiTg to do almost any- tiling foi' us and we were ITever short of food. Meals consisted of seveial dishes of food, followed by more diSlies and litOre. Say- ing yoti were fLill didn't mean too InLiclT and if yoti didn't ITelp your self, someone woLild

which was to become our honTe for the next three nights The four days in Beijing were spent with our tour guide, visiting Tiannamen Square, the Forbidden City, the Slim- met Palace, The Ming Tombs, and finally the GreatWallofChina. Our spare time was filled up with shopping andlook- ing at important build- ings such as the Hall of the Great People and a museum. When shop- ping we walked every- where and at anthe tour 1st Spots We were mobbed by people who Most people enjoyed the hLige meals that were served and the Peking Duck did not disappoint Time came to book out of the hoteland we bundled into the tour bus for' the last time We headed off to a very crowded, hot and noisy train station. At 5:00 pm. we boarded the train for our fifteen hour overnight trip to ShanglTai. This was an expel'Ience and a 11alf and very enjoyable. A1- thougl\ we were in the soft beltlT carriage, many still didn't sleep well






The 101,1810!!p IPItb host SISte, s

forent as it started at 7:40 or 8:00 in the morning with nTorning exercises, and school finished around four o'clock. Everyone at school was served hot lunches eveiy day and lunch was eaten in the classrooms. As well as attending the school, oLir group ventLired out one

were trying to sell souvenirs. Froni this experience we soon learnt two very important worlds, of I and yao. Put together these niean 'don't want' Beijing also offered us oti^ first taste of real Chinese food

a. '


- ?, L. J. ., ^


Alls. /. Hniicoc/g 11\b 11h' Gao. DiJec!o1' of Secoiidni'I. Edi, cn!10/1/61 Slidi!811ni 1113 Soilg/10/11 Sliding bar' Ab. 3 Gills Antid/e School nild fins L 71/01, !qi, !'51


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