1998 School Magazine

Ginger am mar ^, rhool a!artsbane 1998


Cooking became the craze later in the year, as various creations of the chocolate variety were regularly produced by the girls of a weekend. Late night video sessions also became popular as well as dining room dancing after a competition pronounced Brylie and Emma as the Boarding House Dancing Queens. A year full of activity, 1998 also included a whale watching trip to Hervey Bay which was enjoyed by many of the girls, and a night at The Entertainment Centre to see the production of "Grease". The girls also attended dances held by the BGS boarders and produced some amazing costumes suitable for boogying the night away. The girls also invited the boys in return to participate in sporting activities in the gym and socials in the auditorium.

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The Grade Eights, now properly inducted into the Boarding House and the last fun year group to come into the House, enjoyed a marvellous year discovering the ms and outs of boarding. This group of rather confident girls has demonstrated a continual supply of energy in their day to day adventures, much to the wondemnent of their donn seniors, Gina Hicks and Sany Lolrrisch. From the colourful display of eighties clothes in their interpretation of Cyndy Lauper's 'Girls Just Warma Have Fun' at the Boarders' Concert to regular phone sessions with various boys schools, these girls look forward to an exciting four years at Granrrnar

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The Boarders' Dinner Dance was the highlight of term three for the Year Twelves, while the rest of the boarders had a habulous time wittiessing all the necessary preparations. The highlight was when Satah Heap, Danae Sage, Susannah George, MeTon Tiemey, Cath Loane and Georgie Dent became models for a night as a team of hairdressers from Tofu &Guy performed a hair, make-up and fashion display for the Boarding House. The Dance was an enormous success and the girls, their partners, Mrs Parsons and all the family members who attended had a fantastic evening

The Grade Nines, though small in numbers, were definitely not insignificant. The girls made their leap from Grade Eight to Nine with incredible enthusiasm, at last being able to relish the power that accompanies being the second youngest grade in the house. The Nines also continued the tradition of boarders' fumed peculiar acts of behaviour with their psychedelic inter- pretation of the Brady Bunch at the boarders' concert. Headed by Sarah Heap in her "penthouse", the Grade Nines had an outstanding year. The Grade Tens saw a marked improvement in their social life as two fabulous Saturday night leaves were granted to their term outings. Responsible for a hilarious production of Twisted Fairy Tales at the concert, these girls' outgoing and merry style


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