1998 School Magazine

Ginger am mar ^ichool ;!aristane 1997

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love. Phoebe MCGitfm, andAineMaStephens had outstanding seasons and were tremendous leaders for this young team Representative honours went to Jane Morgan who was selected in the Queensland Schoolgirls' team and travelled to Darwin where she was chosen in the Australian Schoolgirls' side. Di HOPIey, Laura MCTaggart and Litzie Wheeler were also chosen in the U 1811, U 13 I and the U1 13 H teams respectively Grammar TENNIS was on fire in 1998. The season began and ended on an excellent note. We started by playing St Aidan's, leaving them speechless after every Grammar team won. Of course, it was not always that easy, as we had many difficult and challenging games during the season. Our final match against Clayfield College was similar to our first, with

The C Grade had noth- ing less than a spectacu- Iar season. Whilst always playing skilful and deter- mined hockey, this team *.



showed the fun involved and the team spirit needed to have a successful sea- son. C Grade won their competition convincing Iy with only one goal scored

against them. Special niention must go to Candace Miniman and Candice Redmond for the consistent talent and effort they displayed throLighout the season


The Juniors I\ad an exciting season witlT the competition being fierce froiii all schools. Despite their foultli placing, this team displayed so inuclT talent and dedication to the sport they

each BGGS team winning convincingIy. The overall placings were excep- tional^ the Years 8 and 9 teams were premiers, A grade came fourth, the BS third and the CS and Ds came second. These re- suns Ineant the overall Tennis pennant went to Grammar for the first time

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