1998 School Magazine

Girls 6rammar ^, chuot !!artsbane 1997

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convincing Iy for the first time. Keny Saunders and Satah Splatt were placed 4th and 5th respectively in the winning 16 years age group The 17 years age group be- came QG Champions for the 5th successive year with Sarah Bitomsky placed I", Caitlin Marley 9th Genevieve Casey, Harmah Bishop, Di HOPIey, and HeIen Clark placed in the top 20 Girls Grammar coin- peted also in the Regional Competition on 18th June

Grammar fielded forty-two gymnasts in the B Grade coinp eti- tion. These girls gave excellent per- formances, espe- clany considering that the majority of these girls con- sisted of recruited artistic gymnasts,

dancers and Grade Eleven and Twelve Board Course students. The two rope groups displayed their mas- tery on this flexible and challenging apparatus with teams I and 2 coming first and fifth respectively. The hoop groups performed well with their brightly col- oured apparatus achieving 10th and 11th places. The

Once again, the Grammar team displayed their depth and talent with Jam, e BurneU, Lisa rimt, Annabe"e Mat, hews, Sany Clout, EririLaniber, , SanhSplatr, KernySaunders, Georgiria Mewing, Kate Pippos, Sarah Bitoinsky and Genevieve Casey all representing the Metropolitan North Region in the State Titles held in Rockhampton. Eriri Lambert and Sarah Bitomsky both ran well to make the Queensland team. We congratulate them and wish them well at nationals Term 3 is our heaviest competitive term witli four Wintel Sports and Rhythmic Sportive Gymnastics competing with a busy musical program, and he ary academic commitments Nearly 300 athletes, 24 coaches and numerous Limpires and referees, take to the courts, hockey fields and gymnasitim in this term The RHYrHMIC SPORi'Iv, , GYMNASTTCS Competition was held on 14th AugList at the SIGeman Sports Complex at Chandler. Grammar fielded a team of seventy-three gymnasts who spent every morning, lunch and afternoon training in the weeks prior to the competition. The annual Exhibition Holiday, which was two days before the competition, was used for last minute polishing of the nineteen routines entered by Grammar The hard work and commitment of the gymnasts, coaches and parents was reflected in the outstanding results on the day, with Grammar winning the overall pennant The two Year Eight teams performed magnificently with the ball apparatus. Team I won first place with an extremely clean and entertaining routine. Team 2 also competed well, achieving equal fifth place. Winning the Year Eight pennant was very exciting for these girls and an uplifting start to the competition for the rest of the team

classical routines of the ball teams were beautiful to watch and team I was successful in win- rimg the ball appa- talus pennant. The ribbon groups also performed well with this difficult apparatus with plaints of tiredness and sore muscles from Inter house Athletics, Grammar once again showed its dominance. All of these pairs were of an exceptionally high standard and a special mention must go to Eliza Gover and Satah Davies, whose

team 2 winning first place and team I achieving a close third Finally, the combination hoop and ball teams dazzled the audience with their feisty Spanish routine and won 1st and 2"d places. Grammar was awarded the B Grade pennant A grade competition began at 7.45 pm. and despite coin-

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