1998 School Magazine

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Girls Grammar ^, choul ;!artsbane 1997

This season has been excellent, and definitely one to remember. The general consensus is that Cross Country trainings with Mr Booth are tough and challenging, and despite the grumbling and complaining which sometimes occur, the satis- faction after tough trainings is worth all the effort that goes into them This year, for the first time, the competition teams were extended to a total of 15 runners (as opposed to the 12 of previous years) and instead of 4 runners in each group scoring points, it became 6. As always, Grammar had absolutely no

The A2 team of Clarissa Amen, Phoebe MCGiffin, Getaldine Wright, and Anit a Farmer came in a close fourth The Year Eights kickstarted the Friday with wins in the separate 8 I and 8 2 divisions, with funanda Cheales scoring the highest in Grade Eight D Grade continued

trouble filling the positions and the results on Saturday 23 May at Loganlea State High School reflected the talent, strength and depth of all the age group teams

the successful record, securing a first place in the Dl competition and a second in the 02 coin- petition. haren Jardine performed text-book routines in D Grade The sensational CS ended the competition in style with both Cl and C2 winning their respective divisions. AlexiaSaeck top- scored for C Grade At the end of the day, the Artistic Gymnastics team had secured the overall premiership as well as six out of eight division premierships, the result of a successful and enjoyable season. The wealth of talent and the abundance of enthusiasm for Artistic Gymnastics at Grammar will ensure continued success. The depth of talent was illustrated by the girls representing their region and we congratulate Chioe Watts and Geraldine Wright. Four years ago, in 1992, the Brisbane Girls Grammar CROSS COUNTRY Team contained a little over forty team members and was entering into the QGSSSA competition with the knowledge that in the previous year, they had placed seventh overall. With a new coach and a speedy and enthusiastic group of Year Eights, the general belief was that Grammar could only improve on its past performances. 1994 was the year Grammar stunned its rivals and became QGSSSA Champions for' the first time in history. Since then, Grammar Cross COLIntry has nevei looked back and has continued to dominate the QGSSSA competition every year. The Cross Count!y Team of 1998 became the QGSSSA Champions for the fifth successive year. .*

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in the winning 13 years age group, Jamie Burnell came 2"' followed closely by Lisa Emit in 4th place This age group proved them- selves to be particularly strong with 9 of their run-

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ners coming in the top 20 The 14 years improved on last year's performance with Sophie Cameron leading the way and placing 3, d, with Eonily Baker and Courtney Gumbley also finishing strongly to place their age group I*'. Eriri Lambert proved her amazing talent by winning the 15 years age group








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