1998 School Magazine
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for 1998, the Gazette team was also happy to introduce the School's new House, Mackay, to the School community The editors and writers have benefited greatly from their involvement with the paper, gaining experience with interview- ing, proming, article writing and .... Deadlines. Overall 1998 has been a very exciting year, and the Gazer!e team has greatly enjoyed the opportunity to share it with the wider community and to capture the School's spirit and triumphs A huge thank you must go to Mrs Reddacliff who has put in hours of work and endless enthusiasm to ensure that each edition is just perfect. To Mr Rowell, who has the never ending task of proof reading our articles, we say thank you. To my sub- editors Liz Velkovic (arts), Laura Cameron (sports) and Kane Mendra (photographic) - your professionalism and dedication have been much appreciated. Finally to all the Gazette reporters - a huge thank you; without you the Grammar Gazette would not exist
St""dt, ,g (L-R): MIS T Reddacl!d; E Couper, A. Moore, A. Heme I. Mantle, K Melter, E Marytott, A Daioson. S 83rd, C MRk, Mr/ Rowe!! Seated (L-R).. E Ve!Aouic, E Prior, L. Can zeron. K. Mendrc,
Zeniiith enith - the highest peak, the ultimate challenge, the man ultimate goal. .. the ultimate club. With a desire to reach more
ma y interesting discussions on topics such as "Should there be entertainment for teenagers?" "Do we celebrate OUT national holidays properly?" and "Co-educational schools"
new heights and the potential to make it happen, the members of the BGGS Zenith club set out to talk their way to the top Zenith, the school's public speaking club, aims to build confi- dence and speaking skills across all grades. With a multitude of new and enthusiastic members signing Lip in the first few weeks of term one, 1998100ked to be another great year for the club
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Members also enjoyed a joint meeting with the Terrace Toastmasters Club, at which the complex topic "The republic issue - where do we go fron\ ITere?" was discussed Thanks innst go to Mi's De Leacy, whose tireless efforts in co- ordinaling and supporting the club nave made for a great year Zenith is a veiy valuable cltib within the school and will no doubt contintie to be so in the future. With confidence, opinions and flair, Zenith members will no doubt continue to reach for their best. The committee of 1998 wishes them the best of luck EMMA PRIOR PRESIDENT
Ze"ith Exec"true. . E. PI','o1; S. Black. C. P, .,'ce and K. Me, Idm
Sure enough, the year has been a great success. Members have been able to express their opinions and increase their confidence in a number of ways. Meeting formats have varied from the traditional Zenith program based around a set topic to the occasional "impromptu games day". There have also been 1.65
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