1998 School Magazine

Girls 6rammar ^, thoul alarmbane 1998





As we march towards the graveyard The darkness becomes denser Encrusting us Our once dim, orange light That pushed us on

The first ray of sunlight shooting forth, piercing holes

through the thick glass of my window pane Stirring life in me, from my endless slumber awakening me, to the dawn of a new day BUT I feel I cannot move from my cradle I cannot push back my warm, cosy covers that encircle me and hold me tightly A soft barrier from the brisk and brutal cold A small spark grows from somewhere within and seeks to burst into a flame with a brightness to strip open the tightest shut eyes A heat to melt a cold metal skin

That we were a part of Disappears behind us Becoming a memory The memory tells of what it taught us How it shaped us What it told us How it prepared us Preparing us for this season of death The ground now carpeted in a thick blanket Crushing like snow, it is not snow But fragments of shells, bunets, bodies Snowballs are thrown but not in fun Snowballs that are louder SnowbaUs that murder, maim, kill. We too join the game Although now it has lost its innocence No longer fighting for fun But for life Against those who in the peaks of our lives

Would have joined with us To play beneath the hot sun. As we struggle on Our once friendly wind


I cannot provide the fuel and fodder for nTy flame Instead I lie sleepy and snug between my

sheets, surrounded by famous paper heads and the sharp sounds of chinking dimes I snOoze beneath my thick blanket A thick bushel hiding niy light

That wotild dance with us in the warm air Does not recognise us and rums hostile Now liarsh, bitter and cold, stripping life, Stealing life as it rushes past As we strain against the heavy force of death Find a glimpse of light ahead We run for it, Race for it,

And it smothers my flame within And it smothers nTy flame within

Race against time and life's seasons As we reach out we can only dream Of rebirth Of life itself

by ROSAUND CRONE 12 Hirscl!fezd

While we also ask it we can make it

by ROSALmD CRONE 12 Htrscl!fez, ,

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