1998 School Magazine
Girls 6rammar ^Iconol ;!Brisbane 1998
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running. it was still dark that morning, but I wanted to run so much further. So I kept going. When I started I had felt empty, but as my feet pounded on the pavement, the feeling just evaporated. I was overcome. My head was light and spinning with realisation One of my neighbours found me that morning, as she was walking her dog. The ambulance came quickly and they took me away. But I never forgot that feeling. To me it was a beginning. For Mum it was too much, and I saw an end in her Mum is afraid of change. But I think she is more afraid of settling down. As if things might become too comfortable, and then more complicated when we had to leave again. She is afraid, I think, of getting too attached. That's why she made me change schools after that day. She said I wasn't coping. But she was the one with the problem. I had everything planned out in the afternoon I am allowed to go outside for a while. Not for long though - the wardens have to keep their watchful eyes on me. Mum takes me out sometimes, other times a warden takes me. But I like it best when it's just Ien and me. The wardens don't approve of course, but they are suspicious of everything
I look foiward to those days. We sit in the garden together - just the two of us. And suddenly it seems as if we're all alone in the world. Inke that. Ienis the only one who understands me She will never leave me. To everyone else she meant nothing And so she slipped away and still meant nothing. Except to those who delighted in having another number to add to their records. To them and their dim lives, she was a dream come true. Of course, everyone said they cared. But is was just their collective conscious talking. 11 was scared. it sent a buzz of guilt like lightning through the school and down the spines of everyone who thought they knew her. it flashed across their minds, awakening some part of them that they thoughtwaslong forgotten. Then it was gone. And so was she. And so was I. And all was darkness Eventually I have to go back to my room. But Ien and I have been thinking. Thinking long and hard. And for once in my life, I am going to have control. I feel it already. I am not being pushed. in fact, for the first time in my life I'm pulling myself And I know that's something to be proud of, no matter what anyone says I go back to my bed, and look once more at the ceiling of white that has for so long eluded me. The light buzzes on and off. On and off. I reaclT OLit my hand. And I ttirn out the light
by EMMA PRIOR 12 G, bso"
Absorbed in net book, oblivious to events aroLind her, her mind is focused on the niliider mystery, Who COLIlcl it be? Just on niidnight, she closes her book, the victims' screams vivid in her mind, and only tlTen, does SITe notice the police cars next <100r
by LOUISE COTTONE 9 G, jff'ith
MERON TIERNEY 12 Gibso" Altbi!ec!!Ile UNi!
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