1997 School Magazine
@iris @rnmnmr ~c!Jool l/Arisbnne 1997 --w------ ~
DAUGHTERS OF OLD GIRLS (YEARS 11 AND 12) Bacli Row (L-R): S. Low(/. Farquhm), K. Buckle(/. Edwards), K. Grijfiths (P. Kennedy), C. Gabe (G. Hardy), F. Patterson (C. Gibson), E. Lorroway (K. Gehrmann), M. Brett (L. Gooma) Fourth Row (L-R): K. Plant (S. Nosworthy), C. Carter (\V-A. Sparks). K. Bou.me (S. Webbe1), F. Manning (P. Smith), A. Moles (B. Nosworthy), j. Purcell (B . Turne,), G. Cooke (K. Harvey), j. Trussler(/. Baynes) Third Row (L-R): F. Langford (L . W7alke1), K. Howard (R. 1vlcNeill), S. West (P. Arkell), E. Sepp anen. (P. Hope), T. Hagan (S. McGahey), C. Mott (A. Shel/shea1), S. Heatley (S. Cantamessa), M. Cowlishaw (G. Flook), K. Vicke1y (S. A land) Seco11d Row (L-R): L. Charlson (L. Donald), j. Scott(/. Marley), S. Powell (R. Howe), L. Davis (P. Davis), R. Himge,jord (/. Ha1pe1) , j. lvlcGany (C. Neilson), C. Chapman (H. Campbell), M. Tait, (/. Howman), A.jell(/. lvlille1), D. Appel(/. Knudsen) Fro11t Row (L-R): R. Gray(/. Vallis), M. Adam ( B. Howell), L. Kinnon (P. Robinson), A. Marriott(/. Sellars) , T. West ( D. Wilson), E. Truce (M. Kennedy), T. Calabro (F. Dougall), j. Wissler (L. Crofts), K. Achilles(/. Rowe), K. Thelander (R. Leslie) Absent: K. Bigby (A. Sandford), E. Cm-lisle (\l'I. Parkinson), K. Gibson (P. Dickinson), S. Guymer (C. Houghton), j. Hall (C. Neilson), j. Hillhouse (M. 1vlcKen.zie) P, Jaruis (E. Carty), R. Lysaught (L. Paletho1pe), E. McGrath (P. Sanderson), E. O'Halloran (R. Hanscomb), j. Travers (S. Lipski), S. Crane (C. Kelly), j. Guy (S. Frase,), K. O'Connell(/. Gazzard), N. Scales (P. Mills)
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