1997 School Magazine

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49irls <19rammnr ~ cbool l§r isbane 1997

DAUGHTERS OF OLD GIRLS (YEARS 8, 9, 10) Bacfi Row (L-R): E. French (S. LansbU1y), K. Hodgkinson (M. Reuie), j. Moles (B. Nosworthy), E. Schmidt (C. Sunners), T. Davey (E. Pataky), A. Irvine (P. Purvis), K. Mercer (C. Cauaye), S. Estwick (N. Evans), M. Hamilton. (F. Reath), E. Shield (A. Mawson) Fifth Row (L-R): R. Searle (A. Fearnley), E. Adam (B. Howell), T. Nall (J. Anderson), j. Heatley (S. Cantamessa), N. Brett (L. Gooma), K. Gilmore (J. Voigbt), S. Bitomsky (E. McLaran), E. lvlarriott (J. Sellars), j. .MacGilliuray (H. Anderson), S. Obtomo (P. Robinson), E. 1Vbiting (S. Waldron) Fo,,,.th Row (L-R): E. Abernethy (K. Barrett), E. Benison (J. Ca/Jen), j. Cottone (E. Curnow), P. Bourne (S. Webbe1), A. 1Vatkins (M-A.Fitzsi1mnons), M. O'Halloran (R. Hanscomb), j. Myers (D. Woodhouse), A. Geroff (H. Marshall), L. McNiuen (S. Nicholson), G. Plant (S. Nosworthy) Thfrd Row (L-R): j. Humphreys (J-K. Shaw), L. Cottone (E. Cu.mow), C. Geddes (J. Stewart), A . Archer (M. Venton), A. Noon (D. Arnold), C. Olson (S. Hill), M. Kelly (L. Woodman), H. .McMu.rdo (M. Hoare), E. McKean (M. Pbillips), N. Hincby (D. S1nitb), K. 771omas (G. Smith), E. Denman (M. Loose) Second Row (L -R): j. Copland (J. Leslie), S. Doolan Nicholson (D. Nicholson), K. Hollingsworth (C. Greaves), j. Wheeler (M. Flint), P.Jolmson (G.Jensen), j. O'Grady (A . Rayne,), A. Hillhouse (M. McKenzie), j. Hagan, (S. McGabey), F. Myers (D. 1Voodhouse), L. Hait ley (J. Peel), C-A. Aroney (P. Mcinnes), L. McConachie (I. Kamols) Front Row (L -R): G. 1flright (N. Grout), F. Gray (J. Val/is), .M. 7beodoros (R. Conomos), C. Brandon (D. Cook), j. Con.nor (J. Mcinnes), h'. Francis (A. Mackenzie), N. Bertram (S. Lambert), T. Rhodes (A. Nance), K. Gray (J. Val/is), A . Ha·milton (F. Reath), K. Lysaught (L. Paletho,pe) Al! se11t: S. Bates (J. Hawkins), A. Carter (W-A. Sparks), P. Gow (G. Kitson), E. Lawrie (S. Firrell), P. McGrath (P. Sanderson), A. McKay (C. Hoskin), E. Barker (M. Clark), A. Boucher (A. Shaw), C. Humphreys (J-K. Shaw), T. MacGin ley (lvl. Tickle), E. Purcell (J. Lonergan), j. Smith (J. Solomon), L. Young (K. Drew) , E. Cockburn (L. Nance), E. Ernst (R. Wa lters), L. Henderson (M. Can), j. McCro1y (E. Simpson), G. Powell (R. Howe), V. Sauage (R. Lickiss), j. Scales (P. Mills), M. Schmidt (J. Hogg)


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