1997 School Magazine
@iris @rammar ~dJool }blrisbane 1997
GRANDDAUGHTERS OF OLD GIRLS Bnck Row (L-R): L. Gibson (N. Pratten), T. Hagan (D. Humble), C. Cronin (G. Mel/01), j. Haynes (f. Eliott), C. Gobe (A. Dick), j. Boulton. (M. Love), J(. Mercer (D. England), R. Deslandes (F. Bowman) Fifth Row (L-R): L. Bailey (A. W'ebbe1), E. Seppanen. (M. Eden), M. B1·ett (E. Clai·ke), N. Brett (E. Clarke), K. Bailey (A . Webbe1), R. Searle (S. Sandercock), R. Olive (B . Ferguson), C. Allen (L. Gulbrandson), S. Townson (D. Pohlman), D. Ferrier (M. King), A. Chardon. (L. Winning) Fo1wth Row (L-R): K. Vicke1y (M.Jobnson), E. Truce (D. Croston), Z. Yule (D. Smitb), L. McNiven (D. Gante1), j. Wissler (N. Sto1y), K. Achilles (I. Smith-Finkel/, j. Cusack), A . Palmer(!. Penny), C. Marley (E. Clark), j. Cottone (D. Clunn), N. Palmer(!. Penny), j. Scott (E. Clark), A.Jell (G. Hill, M. Cullen) Thfrd Row (L-R): j. Hagan (D. Humble), j. Harrison (E. Reimers), M. O'Halloran (!. Bates), E. McKean (A. Cribb), A. Smitb (M. Pascoe), E. Denman (M. Robel1s) , L. Cottone (D. Clunn), A. Hubbard (G. Heiton), S. Hartland (I. Vann), A. Noon(!. Allen), S. Ohtomo (!. Summerlin), K. Hollingsworth (F. Ball) Second Row (L-R): A . Moore (M. Hislop), S. Kilby (N. Frankling), K. McCrossin (I. Cumming), S. Fielding (B. Parke,), T Palmer(!. Penny), D. Appel (P. Smith), E. McKean (!. Dunsdon), C. Brandon (B. Howden), K. Gmy (!. Genn), C. Robinson (!. Summerlin), j. Rowles (B. Hodgson), A . Clemesha (!. Penny) Frout Row (L-R): j. Leadbeater (L. Grant-Thomson), C. Olive (B. Ferguson), F. Gmy (!. Genn), A . McGilve1y (P. Willock), B. Murray (D. Batche/01), T. Rhodes (M. Fleming), S. Doolan Nicholson (D. Gante1), L. Park (M. Fleming), R. Gray(!. Genn), L. Slater (D. Slate,), C. McKean.(!. Dunsdon) Absellt: M. Gordon (M. \Villiams), E. Lawrie (!. Pratt), P. McGrath (M. Strachan), S. Vincent (Z. Pratten), E. Cockburn (M. Fleming), J. 11'lcCro1y (S. Go1·don), j. Sanderson (M. Strachan), C. Morgan (M. Ross) , A . Neilson (N. Durheim), E. O'Hallomn (!. Bates), L. Griffin ( V. Marks), E. McGrath (M. Strachan)
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