1997 School Magazine

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delivered in flexible delive1y mode to cater for professionals who often worked in remote locations. She also aimed to increase agribusiness research and establish a self-funded collaborative agribusiness research centre with agribusiness firms and agencies. "Agribusiness demands an emphasis on applied research, however basic research is the platform for providing in-depth analysis for indust1y, " she said. Professor Woods said she would establish links with the University's marketing programs and draw on the strengths of the jointly-run University-QDPI Rural Extension Centre, which she ran as founding director from June 1993 - June 1996. Her interest in agribusiness grew from her family's involve- ment in the industry. Her father worked in Brisbane for the Reserve Bank, providing rural finance, and her family had a property growing sorghum, wheat and maize in Kingaroy. Professor Woods was raising in Brisbane and completed high school at Brisbane Girls Grammar School. A11icle reprinted courtesy of University News (5.8.97)

"This QDIC funding helps build on existing Gatton College strengths in research and in the education of future agribusiness executives." Professor Woods said the University and QIDC had a strong interest in progressing innovation across all areas of primary production. "Through this initiative, we can expand opportunities with Asia by improving the management of business interests and identifying consumer needs," she said. "We aim to assist Queensland to be more active in producing and exporting processed agribusiness products." QIDC senior agribusiness manager Gavin Eme1y said the partnership with the University would assist Queensland busi- nesses in developing a strong presence in Asia. "The future of agribusiness in north-eastern Australia de- pends on developing our exports of value-added products into Asia," he said. Professor Woods said short courses, post-graduate training and a professional masters program would be developed and


B risbane Girls Grammar School has seen a lot ofHelen Statham in the past forty years. After graduating from Grammar in the 1950's, Helen completed an Arts De- gree with honours in Psychology at The University of Queensland. Helen returned to Girls Grammar, joining the staff instead of the student body, after spending several years experiencing the eastern culture of India. Helen's original intention was to make psychology her career, turning to teaching only as a tempora1y arrangement whilst liv- ing in Bangladesh. But that 'tempora1y ar- rangement ' became the career that brought her back to Brisbane to follow it up. Helen Statham has taught at a number of different schools but has spent the majority of

A considerable "change in society" has occurred over the years Helen Statham has spent teaching. When she first began her career in Bangladesh she taught English in a large room crowded with forty students . Unlike today, she was equipped with only a limited supply of textbooks, chalk and a blackboard. Over the years she has seen the use of videos, audio visual equipment, white boards, computers and much more, incor- porated into the teaching of students. Helen Statham has been missed by both students and teachers since her departure from the Grammar community midway through the 1995 school year. The last two years of her teaching career, before her

lvlrs Helen Statham

retirement in June this year were spent on secondment to the Department of Forest1y. Her dedication and contribution to The Brisbane Girls Grammar School will always be remembered. KRISTEN LAMBERT

her thirty year teaching career at BGGS. She preferred Grammar mainly because of the involvement of the staff in the running of the school.

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