1997 School Magazine

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Regarded as a distinguished academic, she has been a Visiting Professor at Harvard University, Boston, as well as other Institutions in the USA. She has had many publications in international journals, and she chairs or serves on numerous state, national and international committees, many of which are concerned with quality of education or standards of research . Professor Bullock's daughter , Joanne, attended BGGS dur- ing the 1970's, and her son Scott attended BGS. Her grandchil- dren are also booked in to the two Grammar Schools. When asked for a word of advice for the Grade Twelves leaving this year, her message was simple. 'Set high goals for yourselves and strive for excellence; commit yourself to a cause and work hard and willingly, using your talents so that you reach your potential. If you have something to give , then have confidence and contribute - find happiness in involvement; make your own personal mark on the world.' ALEXI DRENNAN

quality of education at the School and ensure the provision up-to-el ate methods and facilities . She paid tribute to the ::lership provided by the Board Chairmen while she was a n, ber (Dr Gehrmann and later Dr Grassie), and commented how much she enjoyed working with them both. Professor Bullock's life has obviously been full. Following r yea rs at BGGS, she completed a Bachelor of Applied ence at the University of Queensland and later, a PhD in a )ic which reflected her dual interests in physiotherapy and ,onomics. She gained clinical experience as a physiotherapist 'Bri sbane and at the Massachusetts General Hospital in >ston. She was eventually appointed Head of the Department Phys iotherapy of the University of Queensland, a position e held for fourteen years. Professor Bullock was later elected sicl enl of the Academic Board and is currently the Head of e School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences at the Univer- '0' or Queensland.


A ustralia's first female Rhodes Scholar Beth Woods has re- turned to her alma mater, the University of Queensland, as the Queensland In- dustry Development Corporation (QIDC) foundation professor of agribusiness. The corporation has committed S600,000 over five years to further agribusiness in Queensland and to de- velop greater export links with Asia . Professor Woods ' appointment makes her the first female professor based at Gatton College. Gatton College Director Professor Craig Pearson said Professor Woods was well-equipped to provide interna- tional leadership in agribusiness and rural management. A University Medallist, she gradu- ated bachelor of agricultural science from the University and became Queens-

land Rhodes scholar in 1977 - the first woman chosen in the first year the prestigious scholarship was open to women . She graduated D.Phil in agri- cultural economics from Oxford Uni- versity in 1980. Professor Woods has more than 20 years' expertise in farming systems, agricultural extension and agri-busi- nesses. She recently left the Queensland Department of Primary Industries (QDPI) as acting general manager (hor- ticulture), managing an annual budget of $19 million and 250 staff. "My aim is to establish a stronger interface between industry and the University and create new ways for the University to contribute to the future of agribusiness in northern Australia and Asia, " she said.

Professor Betb Woods

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