1997 School Magazine

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Mothers' Group

O ver the years hundreds of women have happily devoted much time and effort to the activities of the Mothers ' Group Committee. This year has seen these efforts continue . The mothers were welcomed to the school year in early Febrna1y by Mrs Hancock and Dr Cherrell Hirst and following this address, they were invited to morning tea in the Boarders' Dining Room. All present were able to view the recently installed leadlight windows in the main building, which were a result of funds raised during 1995.

greatly to the atmosphere of the day. We were ove1whelmed by the generosity of so many raffle donors, from within as well as from beyond the school community, and we thank all involved for such tremendous support. Since early last year the school has had a Health Promoting Schools Committee and members of this group addressed our meeting in August, giving a background to the organization and explaining the goals and purpose of the group.

Mother's Day Stall

The Year Twelve Pre-formal function was again held in the school Auditorium. Our committee organized this highly excit- ing event for the students and their partners, as well as the parents of the girls . With over six hundred people present the atmosphere was charged with excitement and colour. A few weeks later, the Card and Games day yet again proved to be a ve1y enjoyable and well-supported event.

To allow for a wider range of people to attend our meeting with the Heads of House, we arranged a breakfast meeting in arly March. This format proved exceedingly popular, as was Lhe dinner meeting of the Combined Parent Groups. In April Mrs Robyn Stafford kindly made available her lovely Toowong home as a venue for our Mothers Day Morning Tea. A ,v ide range of craft, edible items and plants reflected the fforts of all involved. Sue French once again generously donated one of her popular watercolours. The Annual Fundraising Luncheon was held at The Club- house, St Lucia, with Africa Zanella as our Guest Speaker. Africa, who is a Grammar mother, is the Executive Director of the International Trade Development Division with the Queensland Government. Her humour and enthusiasm added

Year Twelve Pre-formal Function

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