1997 School Magazine

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Fathers' Group

F athers ' Group support for the 1997 school year com- menced in Febrnary with a cocktail party to welcome the parents of the new Year Eight students . By drawing on the skills and experience of the members of the Group we were able to contribute to the overall success of this event. The first of our Imbil Working Bees took place during April. Under the guidance of Peter Rimmington and Geoff Clark, this Working Bee commenced the task of fabricating metal shelving and renovating an existing shed to allow for the drying of macadamia nuts. Those of us who attended gained experience in metal work, construction, painting and welding. On April 15 we joined the Mothers' Group for our annual combined dinner. The guest speaker was Penny Murphy, Head of the Creative Arts Faculty. Reaction to the evening was positive , and we look fo1ward to these dinners continuing in the future. A highlight of the evening was an outstanding perform- ance by two of the school's senior drama students. May 17 saw several of us return to Imbil to complete the d1ying shed.

Group on/our-wheel drive tour on Jmbil Open. Day.

Representatives from the Fathers' Group participated in the planning and supervision of this year's formal. Held at the Brisbane Convention Centre, Southbank on August 12, this Gala Event was a memorable night, and one that I am sure will live in the girls' memories for many years to come. At the time of preparing this report planning for this year's Open Day was unde1way. The Fathers' Group hamburgers have become legend. Last year we sold approximately one thousand hamburgers and copious cans of soft drink. While this day is a busy one, it is also a great deal of fun. Our monthly meetings (1st Tuesday of each month in the Bain Staff Centre) continue to be well supported. The format of these meetings remains informal. New members are always welcome . It is fitting, in this her 21st year at Girls Grammar, that I acknowledge Mrs Hancock's patronage of the Fathers' Group. Through her commitment to our group Mrs Hancock has given each of us the opportunity to be active members of the school community. To all the fathers who have been involved in the group, and its activities over the past year, thank you. Your camaraderie and willingness to participate in the tasks assigned to us are ve1y much appreciated. I would urge all fathers with daughters at Brisbane Girls Grammar School to become involved in our group, if you are not already. To those fathers who are leaving at the end of this year I wish you, your daughters and families happiness, good health and success for the future.

Produce stall on lmbil Open Day.

In June a small group of us, accompanied by our wives, travelled to Imbil to help with Open Day. Apart from being a most enjoyable retreat from the rnsh of city life, this weekend gave our partners the opportunity to visit a part of the school about which they had only heard.


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