1997 School Magazine
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Parents and Friends' Association Incorporated
1 997 has again been a busy and successful one for the Association and I thank all members for their support and involvement. The Committee has worked as a team with a good attendance at our regular monthly meetings. It was ve1y pleasing to see a number of new faces join the committee at the Annual General Meeting in March. The P & F operates as an umbrella for the various groups within the school and it is a pleasure to work in cooperation with the Mothers' Group, Fathers' Group, Friends of Girls
excellent funding base and make a major contribution to school projects. The running of the shops is a big responsibility and the Association is most grateful for the enormous contribution of the various convenors. This year the P & F has been able to air- condition the libra1y and the computer rooms and upgrade the lockers within the school for the benefit of the girls . The Association has been involved in other important events on the school calendar including School Day and the welcome to new parents and supported the Friends' Dinner following the
Grammar and other committees and par- ent groups in the school community. The Mothers ' and Fa- thers' Groups have completed another successful year of fel- lowship and service in the school. The groups combined for a well received din- n r evening again this year. The evening is a popular annual event and much enjoyed by all. The Mothers ' Group has enjoyed a very successful year of fundraising, whilst the Fathers' Group has continued its tradition
inaugural Lilley Ora- tion in March. A most successful Year Twelve Formal was again held. The func- tion took place at the Brisbane Convention Centre with the or- ganisation overseen by the P & F Associa- tion in conjunction with the Year Twelve girls. The night was once again an out- standing success and eve1yone involved is to be congratulated. The annual Valedic- to1y Dinner was most successful and I thank Convenor, Mrs Meg Copeland, and her willing band of vol-
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or working bees to improve facilities both at the school and at Imbil. I congratulate Mrs Jan Davies and Mr Glenn Capper on their leadership of these groups. The Music Group, under the able leadership of Mr Glynn Jell, staged a very successful Proms Concert earlier in the year. The concert provided a wonderful opportunity for the girls to display their enormous talent before a large and most apprecia- tive audience. The P & F's appreciation is extended to the large number of volunteers who assist in so many ways in the life of the school \Vith the single aim of improving the opportunities and facilities for our daughters. The P & F shops overall have again returned a healthy profit and enabled the Association to maintain an
unteers for ensuring the night was so successful for our Year Twelve students and their parents. The Executive is indebted to Mrs Hancock for her continued participation in our meetings and support at all times. The cooperation of other staff and support for our endeavours are greatly appreciated . I sincerely thank the members of our Executive Committee for their hard work on your behalf and trust that the Association will continue to function as success- fully as in the past for the benefit of our great school
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