1997 School Magazine
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The future of Rhythmic Gymnastics in the Club, State and Nation seems very bright.
The junior teams consisted mostly of year Ss and some older students, new to the game of hockey. They learnt the game by playing it and certainly made new friends along the way. Perhaps the coaches of J5 and J6 epitomise the success of club hockey, as they both played hockey in our QGSSSA teams, and then returned to coach club teams . Melinda Smith played in QGSSSA A Grade for 2 years, whilst Rachael Murray learnt her hockey in our club system. She improved sufficiently to make selection in firstly the B Grade and then the A Grade QGSSSA teams and finally became Hockey captain in 1996. And so the cycle continues. The Brisbane Girls Grammar ROwiNG squad had another fulfilling season. For the first time in the short history of Girls Grammar Rowing, we boated in eve1y race. The First Eight consisted of Sarah Finch, Kathryn Fletcher, Alice Wehl, Alex Craig, Sophie Heatley,]aneAddis, SiobhanO'Rourke, Katrina Meynink, Naomi Searle with Emma Wanchap as the reserve. The Second Eight was made up of Amanda Kershaw, KymCranston, TammyBaruksopolou, Stephanie Addis,Jane McGarry, GeorginaJohnson, Elke Seppanen, Kate Mitchell and Rebecca Lewis .
The HOCKEY season, once again, proved to be highly ~ successful as we fielded two junior teams and two senior teams, thus establishing a strong presence in the BWHA and BWJHA competition. This continues to contribute to the depth in the QGSSSA teams.
We kicked off the season with a successful combined regatta with Stuartholme. This followed with regattas eve1y week until the Schoolgirls' Head of the River at Wivenhoe Dam on 30th August. All crews performed commendably with the Year Eight 4th, 5th, and 6th and the Year Nine 5th Quads all gaining first places. This is a record for BGGS.
Division Seven which consisted ofA, B and Cgrade QGSSSA players had an outstanding season, taking out the premiership. This highly spirited team played with determination against the skilled, experienced and aggressive Commodores, finally win- ning 2-1 with goal scorers in the final being DiannaHenry and Fiona Morgan. Returning to Grammar's senior hockey was the Division nine team. This consisted of many girls under the leadership of LauraMarshall, who had never taken the hockey field before and enjoyed their first, and in many cases, last season of hockey. Their coach, Meg Harward, past-QGSSSA A grade player, deserves a brave1y award for taking on the marauding mob of Marshall 's Maniacs . J5, although not winning a game, improved throughout the season and showed spirit every time they took the field . J6 had a slightly more successful season winning one game. This was a good effort by a team of girls who, although on the bottom of the competition ladder, were top of it for trying.
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