1997 School Magazine

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With only one B Grade competition, BGGS entered two teams, one of which gained first place and the other placed fourth. An outstanding overall performance was given by Naomi Brett. A fantastic effort was also put in by A Grade this year. The team, Jasmine Silver, Kate Farmer, Kate Steele, Clarissa Allen and Chloe Watts were placed second behind Moreton Bay College, having overcome the competition favourites Clayfield College, who were placed third . Excellent, consistent routines were performed by Chloe Watts who was our out- standing A Grade gymnast on the night. 1997 saw a change in the Winter Fixtures competition, where Tennis was trialed as a Summer sport and Artistic Gymnastics moved into August for more balance. This left VOLLEYBALL, HOCKEY and NETBALL as the recognized Winter Fixtures. This year of the 18 premierships, Grammar placed first in four, three in Volleyball alone, and third or better in nine . This included an amazing six second placings out of ten for Netball. The Grammar VOLLEYBALL community welcomed a new

as undefeated premiers . Several of the Grade 8s, none of whom had ever played competitive Vol- leyball, came with es- tablished Tennis skills which lead to devastat- ing serves and the abil- ity to focus in difficult situations. The season did not finish here for our Volleyballers, and along with 270 other teams from all over Queens- land, we competed in the Powerade Queens- land Schools Cup from 12th to 14th September at the Brisbane Conven- tion Centre . A grade played in the Open

co-ordinator and a new look coaching panel this year. Jennifer Kingma, Janet Schloss and Beth Williams had a serious challenge after our 1996 success and met it head on by winning the over- all pennant for the sec- ond year. The A Grade were a talented team, showing great promise , but were severely hamstrung when they lost their three representative players to state duties for three pivotal weeks. The B Grade com- petition was a ve1y bal- anced on~, where the successful team could

Honours Division and were placed tenth out of 14 teams, and were the only team to defeat the undefeated Tenterfield in the rounds. CGrade, in Open Division 3, were placed eleventh out of 45 . The Junior A team continued their undefeated winning streak taking out the gold medal in the Junior Honours Division, giving them the title of the best junior girls ' team in Queensland. Alexandra Downs, Alexandria Grainger and Jayde Tilney were selected in the 1997 under 16 Queensland team. They travelled to Canberra to compete in an Australia wide competition and were placed fourth in this event. Special congratulations must go to Jayde Tilney, who was selected in the under 16 honora1y Australian team at the conclusion of this competition. This season saw HOCKEY defending two premierships in

B Grade and C Grade and two third placings in AGrade and ~Junir'r A. AGrade bettered this result to place equal sec- ond with Ipswich Girls Grammar, registering only one loss of one nil to Ipswich. Special com- mendation should be given to Jane Morgan who showed outstand- ing consistency through- out the season. With the majority of the players being in Year Eleven, Grammar 's A Grade team have much to look fo1ward to. B Grade came up

have been any one of a number of schools. Games frequently went to 5 sets, and our team coped well in these pressure situations. The ultimate reward was gained by this team for their dedication and focus. The C Grade also developed into a cohesive team during the season, giving their coach several stressful moments. They played an impressive team game and the season sawmany girls, like Kim Turner, develop their skills and knowledge of the spo1t. Our glamour team was the Junior A. Here experienced Grade 9 players such as Amelia Kerlin, DebbieWaters,Julie- Anna Smith, Lauren Goode, Lucy Haynes, Stella Chiu and Brylie McAllister combined with Grade 8 rookies, Sidney Cubasch, Caroline Hendry, Angela O'Connor, Samantha Bonning, Morgan Grainger and Lili Dyer to finish the season


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