1997 School Magazine
'19irls '19rammar ~c~ooI ?blrisbane 1997 ---------
The Shakespeare Guild
" All the world's a stage, And all the men and women merely players,ยท they have their exits and their entrances; And one man i11 his time plays inany parts... ,,
T he BGGS Shakespeare Guild Night on Friday 22 August marked the culmination and presentation of several weeks of rehearsals and general madness. These rehearsals proved to be quite dangerous to some cast members when lights almost fell on them as they practised fencing scenes. Perhaps someone mentioned "the Scottish play" . The result of all the hard work was an enjoyable soiree, but it wasn't without its little disasters . The first half consisted of a "potted" version of Twelfth Night, starring Sarah Miller, Vivien Stewart, Rosalind Crone, Erin O'Halloran, Gita Bolton, Natalie Fong, Sarah Hayes and Vanessa Rothwell . The play went off without too many hitches apart from stubborn swords, mous- taches falling off on-stage and missing costume items having to be replaced by parts of the school uniform. After the interval,
Comperes (L-R): Jane Mc Eniery, Rachel Gethin-jones, Elizabeth Ahem
excerpt from Coriolanus. The night was topped off with a somewhat modernised scene from Hamlet, made memorable by the performances of Mrs Robyn Colwill as Hamlet, Mr Alan Dale as Ophelia (in a stunning blue frock) and a cameo by Mrs Helen Geraghty. Credit must also go to the musical relief provide by the
String Quartet, Re- corder Consort and Recorder Ensemble, and to the comperes, Elizabeth Ahern, Rachael Gethin-Jones and Jane McEnie1y. Special thanks to Mrs Penny Murphy whose patience and support were greatly appreciated by the players . NATALIE FONG AND VIVIEN STEWART
the audience was treated to snippets from A Midsummer Night's Dream, per- formed by Rosalind Crone and Sarah Hayes, and The Mer- chant of Venice with Year Eights Caitlin Goss and Raenuka Menon, as well as a wonderful solo per- formance by Mrs Lana Hadgraft of an
Natalie Fong (L) and Gita Bolton
Mrs Hadgraft as Volumnia
Sarah-Jane Miller (L) and Vivien Stewa,t
Natalie Fong (L) and Ros Crone
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