1997 School Magazine

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Voluntary Service

V olunta1y Service is one of the most beneficial co-curricular activities provided for students at Girls Grammar. For one to two hours each week, you can show commitment and responsibility making your contribu- tion to the community. Volunta1y se1v- ice teaches you a great deal about yourself and helps you to discover your strengths and weaknesses in car-

ing for and communicating with others. Students can provide their services in a field in which they are particularly interested and which ena- bles them to gain valuable experi- ence. Voluntary service is certainly worthwhile and I recommend it to all those who have the dedication and are willing to undertake the chal- lenge. HELEN KIM

Service at Holy Family Child Centre, Spring Hill


Z enith - the BGGS public speaking club has en- joyed yet another successful and eventful year. Members this year have been particularly enthusi- astic and have therefore pro- vided an especially friendly yet constmctive environment for the girls to improve their communi- cation skills. This year we have welcomed a number of new members to the club and it has I een very encouraging to see lhe improvement in their speak- ing skills. Girls have actively partici- pated in a range of stimulating

Relations with St Joseph's Toastmasters' Club have contin- ued to strengthen this year. Meetings with the boys have provided an interesting if not controversial perspective on many issues. These joint meet- ings also gave the opportunity for the girls to develop their confidence in speaking in a co- educ ati ona l environment. Through Zenith , girls have also had the opportunity to enter intra and inter-school competi- tions . The club owes much of its

Ze11ith Executive (L-R): Emma Pri01; Katie Mendra, Karlene Booker, Jane-Elizabeth Harris

success to Mrs de Leacy who has provided the club with continual support through 1997. With the current wealth of talent and dedicated membership there is no doubt that 1998 will be yet another successful year. Good luck!

dis ussions. Topics this year have ranged from 'National Se1vice and Conscription' to 'Chocolate' (of course we took the practical approach to this one and sampled many variables between di scussions!). Girls have had the opportunity to give presenta- Li ons of va1ying types, such as poet1y readings and prepared ·peeches, and often heated discussions have developed.




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