1997 School Magazine

-----------------------111--------- ~iris ~rammar ~ctool ;l'/jrisbane 1997 ~ Leukaetnia Conunittee 1 997 has been a ve1y suc- cessful and enjoyable year

CD voucher to the value of $100, and the other for a print by artist Mary Williams. Many thanks must be extended to Mr Jack for donating a lovely print to us again this year. Both raf- fles were very successful for the Committee, and of course our School Day stall was also a very useful fundraiser. Many thanks go to all members of the Leu- kaemia Committee for 1997, who have contributed a great deal to our success this year. I would also like to thank Ms Forster and the three members

for all members of the Kirsten Jack Memorial Leukaemia Com- mittee . We started the year's fundraising efforts by selling tick- ets and providing a supper at the Interhouse Drama showcase . This was an incredibly success- ful night, and thanks to the input ofmany members who provided both their assistance and delica- cies, over $1000 was raised for our cause. In second term, a car wash was held on Saturday 10 May. This proved to be a lot of fun, with members donning Ha-

The Executive (L-R):Katby Bw·ke, Emma Harrison, Renee Bow and Alex Moles.

of the executive, Alex Moles, Emma Harrison and Kathy Burke, for their help in running the Kirsten Jack Memorial Leukaemia Committee for 1997. Thank you also to Mrs Hancock and the wider Grammar community, for their ongoing support of the Leukaemia Committee.

waiian outfits and washing cars to the best of their abilities. By the end of the day, we were all a good deal wetter, but had enjoyed ourselves enormously and had raised over $300 for the Leukaemia Committee. Throughout third term, the Leukaemia Committee conducted two raffles. One raffle was for an HMV



W ith people falling around you, high velocity objects flying from all directions (e.g. volleyballs) and copious amounts of war paint anyone would think that this is Girls Grammar's answer to Star Trek. But to those in the know, this is rock climb- ing. Led by our fearless leader Mr Barry Greatorex and his faithful side-kick Lisa Mildwaters, this year's climbing has been very challenging. Catt's Walk, the left-hand twelve metre climb, has been the real chal- lenge for everyone this year. Kelly Saunders has been the only one who has successfully conquered the climb but most of the other girls are not far behind. They do, however, fall with style. During the mid-year and Septem- ber holidays climbing expeditions were organised at Kangaroo Point. We found

that climbing on real rocks was another matter entirely. We noticed that there was a distinct lack of colour coded holds which initially hindered out progress but we soon got the hang of it - literally! It was, however, a challenge that we all faced, met and enjoyed. Elizabeth Webb and Tammy Baruksopulo spent an adventurous week at Terrace Outdoor Education Centre during the mid-year holidays . Their highlight was climbing at "Frog Buttress', Mount French, near Boonah. They climbed some of the classic climbs and showed the Terrace boys how good Grammar climbers really are. It has been a wonderful year of climbing and we look forward to next year, another year older, wiser and stronger.


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