1997 School Magazine
?iris The Econotnics Society 1 997 has gone well for the Econom- ics Society. Numerous fundraising activities have been undertaken and the dividends are growing healthily . In 1996, the Economics So- ciety began a new initia- tive to aid the Mutofoa Secondary School in the small island nation of Tuvalu. It is here that past Grammar girl, Laura Thomsett, is presently teaching her second year of English and Science at the school. Through correspondence, Ms Thomsett has informed us of the limited facili- In addition to the badges, perhaps the most recognised activity to date of the Economics Society has been the or- ganisation of two com- bined student forums with BGS. In Term I, both genders openly dis- cussed the topical issue of "Working for the Dole" . Though the lim- ited time available cut the forum short, it proved to be an interesting lunchtime from which students gained a greater understanding of the is- sue and its arguments. The second forum con- Board Members (L-R): B . McKay, K. Achilles, D. Pashen, 0 . Loughnan. ducted at the beginning of Term III in conjunction with the Social Studies Faculty Day, tackled the controversial issue of "feminism" . Unfortunately, time prevented the discussion from continuing for hours as both boys and girls had to return to class. However, some interesting points were made and noted by both genders, and it certainly was an interesting, and often entertaining, "chat". Many thanks to the BGS Economics Club for their help in organising and participating in these forums. The success that the Economics Society has enjoyed so far in 1997 is a result of the tireless efforts of all our members and the supportive Board of Barbara McKay, Olivia Loughnan, Danina Pashen and Sonia Gribbin. Finally, a very special thank you to Mrs Chakravorty and Ms Murphy who have been unending sources of support and guidance. The enthusiasm of the members this year has been fantastic and is responsible for the Economics Society's success. One thousand "thank yous" to you all. KATE ACHILLES PRESIDENT ties available to the students at the high school which makes learning difficult. A Book Drive began this year to help build their Library; we have collected some unused books from the various Faculties at school and they are presently waiting to be shipped to Tuvalu . Another activity organised by members of the Society, which incidentally is open to any Grade Ten, Eleven or Twelve student, was the supper for the parents and friends attending the Year Twelve Fashion Parade. The parade always draws a large audience and a huge thank you goes to the Year Eleven and Twelve students who donated the coffee, hot chocolate and food , which were much appreciated. A new venture undertaken this year was the selling of badges for the Save the Children Fund. Approximately 450 badges have been sold to date, with students still requesting more . Internet Club Board of Directors: Claire Pomery, Alexandra Gillies, Vanessa Rothwell, Samantha Bonning T he Internet Club, begun in 1996, aims to offer girls the opportunity to learn more about the Internet. Club membership is drawn from all grades. Meetings are held during the lunch period on Tuesdays, from 12:45. The goal of the Club (founded by Mrs Brady, with support from Mrs Farley and Mr Davissen) is to ensure that all members are competent users of the Internet. Members should be able to search the Internet for information, evaluate sources found and create web sites using HTML (Hypertext Mark-Up Language). Members have also learned to use ADOBE Photoshop to produce graphics for web sites. Several girls have now assumed ----------------------140----------------------
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