1997 School Magazine

@irlll' @ranmmr ~cbool J/ilrill'bane 1997

Art Club

T he Art Department established the Art Club in Term II of this year as a direct response to concerns that there were many girls in the school who were keen to participate in art activities but were unable to do so. Subject selection in both the Junior and Senior school is influenced by many factors and for some girls it may not be possible to study all the areas that interest them. The Art Club aims to address this problem by offering a variety of non assessable art activities to girls in all year levels within the school.

The emphasis is on fun activities in a relaxed and stimulating atmosphere. The projects are largely student directed and allow for the development of basic skills where necessary. Activities are arranged to cater for small groups of varying ages and abilities within the total of approximately twenty students . Girls already studying Art may also join the club to develop specific interest areas or simply to enjoy the subject outside the formal class room situation. Activities enjoyed by the girls so far include mask making, ceramics, wire sculpture, painting, collage, papier mache, screen printing and plaster work.

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Initially in Term II we were able to run two sessions on Tuesday and Friday afternoons. The demand dropped off in Term III and the Art Club now runs eve1y Tuesday afternoon from 3.15 - 5.00 p.m.. The situation is reassessed at the beginning of each term based on student interest and teacher availability.

Japanese Dancing

A lthough this year our Japa- nese Dancing Group was relatively small , we did not allow this to affect our level of enthusiasm or standards. Instead a closer bond between the girls and our two danc- ing instructors , Mrs Hashimoto and Mrs Takizawa, was formed. This year, as well as dancing our old favourites , we also learned various new dances to show off our im- proved dancing skills .We performed at various events such as School Day as in previous years. In May, we also

represented our school and con- tributed to the Australian multi- cultural awareness campaign held at South Bank. On the day, we met young people from all around Bris- bane, performing dances of other Asian countries, such as India, China and the Philippines. It was certainly a successful day. I would like to thank Mrs Hashimoto and Mrs Takizawa for making this year so memorable, and I hope that the girls will keep this unique club alive past 1997. YAN CHENG (CAPTAIN)

(L-R): Mrs Hashimoto, G. Thompson, E. Tsai, Y. Cheng, L. Lau, Mrs Takizawa .


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