1997 School Magazine
®ids @rammar ~c!Jool i!'Bl'isbane 1997
A fter years of debating the three burning topics: gender, politics and religion, this year's Athene Club has made a well-timed break- through. Members chose 1997 to be the year that Athene diverged from the onslaught of Germaine Greer, Pauline Hanson and the Pope, and focussed on issues that were both pertinent and relevant to all members. The discus- sion was diverse and students deliv- ered papers of varied content.
men of today. The paper exposed the confusion that young men expe- rience in connection with gender roles in the general community. The discussion that followed highlighted the significance of the topic to both males and females within the gather- ing. Later in the year, Kate Bayne disclosed the workings of a single parent family, David Ferris spoke to us on the importance of Australian - Asian relations and Elin Charles-
Edward's paper on human pheromones intrigued the gathering. As the original Athene Club's Greek scholars of ancient times spoke of a myriad of issues and topics, so did 1997's BGS- BGGS Athene Club. The group's enthusiasm and aptitude for the discussions made Athene worthwhile although, perhaps the issues of gender, politics and religion did feature a little more than others. Special thanks go to Mr Dale, for without his ongoing support and organisational skills the Athene Club could not function. Thanks also go to Mr Short and Mr Betts from BGS, Mrs Colwill, Mrs Seckold and Ms Hatton. FRANCESCA GASTEEN
Kim Buckle warned us against the dangers of animal-testing, Elizabeth Ahern gave the group an interesting insight into the Mabo dispute and Aboriginal land rights, Toby Jenkins and Tim Stainly entertained Athene members with an unintentionally humorous hypothetical regarding refugees in Australia, and Katrina Vickery questioned female body-image in relation to teenage girls today. One of the most poignant and thought-provoking speeches was that of the Athene Club Secreta1y, Sam Birch. Sam revealed to the group that although feminism is a relevant issue, it is the new men's movement that has struck a chord with the young
ATHENE CLUB Back Row (L-R): A . Been, T. Stainly, N. Brown, R. Shand, S. Yuan, A . Taylo1· Fou,-th Row (L-R): Z. Yule, D. \Vong, S. Griffin, A. 11-uine, P. Kmtscbman, I. Kemp, E. Whitton, E. Cameron Third Row (L·R): M. Hickey, K. Burke, K. Buckle, K. Emerson, D. Ferris, E. Abem, K. Bailey, K. Bayne, B. McKay, S. Black
Seco11d Row (L-R): N. Clavarino, K. Vicke,y, E. Hairison, N. Searle, A . Kumarasuriyai; C. Tyak, G. Cooke, E. Charles-Edwards, A. Drennan, C. Price Prout Row (L-R): E. Pri01; S. Lazarus, Mr D. Betts, Mrs R. Co/will, Mr B. Sbort, F. Gasteen, Mr A. Dale, Mrs L. Seckold, K. Mendra, C. Marley - - ------------------135--------------------
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