1995 School Magazine

@rrld' @ranrrnar Sr!ooI TGrrgbnnr 1995


1 qq5 hn. seen a vast array of dance styles performed by I the talented members of the Theatre Dance c1ub. The opening of The McCrae Grassie Spons Complex was delinitely one of the highlights of the busy Theatre Dance schedule, where our performance featr-rred a revival ol some ol t1-re Abba, Bee Gees and "Stayin'Alive" favourites. Performing at the Interact "Acts on Show" concert in Term Three was another major event for the clancers. Our most recent dances ranging fi'om funk to modern jazz werc demonstrated with energy and enthusiasm on this occasion and were well received by the audience. The Theatre Dance performers contributed to the exciting "Beginnings Pageant" in Term Three with a colourful and diverse timeline of dance choreographed by Mrs Mery1 Papas. In this performance, the dancers were able to experience the ethnic dance styles of India, Greece and Hungary as well as dillerent classical ballet, contemporary and jazz repefioires. The highly popular and very entertainlng lunchtime con- certs put on by the glrls continued throughout the year and

consisted ol both group and solo performances, some choreo- graphed by students as young as Year Eight. Heartlelt thanks is owed to Anna Sargeant for the talent and energy that she has instilled into all of the dancers this year. Theatre Dance's sllccess would not have been possible this year without Mrs Papas' help and guidance which was so greatly appreciated. The effort and commitment of the 1995 Theatre Dancers must be commended. It was due to the enthusiasm and talent of these girls that rehearsals and performances were such a resounding success. Theatre Dance is a club that provides girls with the oppor- tunity to express themselves through movement and music and we encourage a1l interested girls to become involved in this exciting and very enjoyable club. CARLA ROBERTSON AND SARAH-IANE ST. CLAIR 1995 THEATRE DANCE CAPTAINS

THEATRE DANCE Back Row (I-R): V Kerlin, M. Castrisos. B. Kerlin, D. Kircher, N. cleJager, N. Searle, K. Bourne

Fourtlr Rou (I-R): T. Dotusett, G. Cooke, L. Dctuis, S. Kersnetuske, K. Plctnt, P. Pdpas, R. Farley, E. Saeck, K. Burgol:ne, K. Moore Tbircl Rottt (I-R): C Price, C. Rasmussen, Y. Cheng, L. Thomson, E. Ernst, C. Kersnouslae, A. West, A. Black, D. Meclek, J. Trcruers SecondRou(I-R):L Grice,B.Paine,L.Scholes,S.Black.K.Meyninck,J.Pappon,L.Scott,E.Webb,G.Thompson Front Ro.o (L-R): .1. Monroe, L Yang, A. Noot1, R. Emerson, C. Robeftson (Captdin), Mrs M. Pdpcts, S-J. St Clair (C.lptain), A. Varma, S. 7bcld, L. Gri.ffin, K. Xlccrossin Absent: A. Railey, R. Arz.ssen, G. Bolton, C. Rasin, C. Cronin


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