1995 School Magazine

@irld' 6ra1nilar Scl.rool l8risbsne 1995

Opening this opportunity to gids outside the inter-school competitions has shown the great depth of talent present at Grammar within the general student body. No-one u'oulcl sLlspect that behind the uniform and slick hair there lurkecl so many aggressive people! The con-rpetition was won by Lilley in a ciose argument against Gibson. \fith the increasing number of seminars and workshops available to tsGGS students, Gram- mar seems destined to uphold its long tradition of prophetic excellence. Much of the success this year must be credited to the devotion of the numerous voluntary coaches who supported the 1995 sqr-rad. Special thanks to Mrs Basford for co-ordinating the debating season and to the invaluable History Department for their enduring support and enthusiasm. \flith such encottr- agement and dedication, it seems Grammar can only improve, by maintaining the goal to emulate and sr-rrpass victories of the past. ALISON MEEKINC QDU DEBATING CAPTAIN

The Senior A team was particlllarly successful this year, reaching the short preparation semi-finals undefeated. That's right. Short prep debates. This is the ultimate test for debaters - an hour and a half in a deathly still room seemingly sequestered from civilisation, each to prepare a ten minute speech and to present it coherently, fluently and preferably with a touch of flare, against another team that has undergone a similar ordeai. Needless to say, this is a humbling experience often resulting in strong friendships, sweaty palms, and lightheadedness; and is usually fondly referred to as a "charac- ter-building" experience! Debaters don't go out of their way, devoting their time to argument, for any other reasons that the thrill of competition, boosting their confidence, meeting people, and generally having fun, (although there is a vicior-rs rumour that most of them just like to hear their own voice!) If nothing else, I trust that the girls have enjoyed their time debating this year, and look for-ward to surpassing their 1995 successes. The Interhouse debating competition was once again greatly appreciated by numerous stuclents throughout the school.

QDU DEBATING Back Rotu (I-R): K. Beem, C'. Bctughen, J. Abernethy, D. Henry, A. McElrea, E. Street, H. Latcson Fourth Roto (I-R): (J.Jobnson, P. Abern, K, Vickery. M. Chambers, R. Henderson,, E. Ahern, G. Bucbanan, A. Tranberg, S. Dauies Tbird. Rott (I-R): S Holes, E. Wilson, E. Walterc, A, Jell, C. Dumas, C. Lennox, I". Hange4 S. Hodgkinson Second. Rotl (I-R): E Abernetby, R. Burke. S. Bitomsk!, C. Price, C. Arscott, S. Baker, C. Henderson, J. Hainswcu'th Front RotD (I-R): A Llrbanci.c-Kenny, R. Oliue, B. McKay, A. Kersuell, Mrs L Basfbrd, A. Meeking (Cdptdin), K. Bailey, R. Emerson, M. Chai


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