1995 School Magazine

@frls' Grunnrnr 5rll00l @rfEbdne 1995


APEX DEBATING Back Roto (L-R): K Mendra,J. Camerctn, P. Dobsett, E. Cctrnlbrd, E. wbking Tbird. Rott, (L-R): E Velkouic, G. Starkey, H. Larsen, E. Mattbeuts, R. Deslandes, S. Black

Seconcl Rotu (I-R): D Hugbes, B.l:lacGilliuray, F. Patterson, A. Butnoris, S. Emersc.tt, S. lYoodgate. S. Hack, E. Olsen Front Rout (I-R): N. Soct, S. Daley, Miss A. D.tre, Mrs L. Bas.fctrcl, Ms S. Bolton, J. Mehtille (C.tpt.tin), trL Nctkaiim..t


erhaps Llnkno$,'n by sight, there is no doubt that debaters are the voice of BGGS. Thev can be heard in the choirs and are vital assets to the cheersqllad, but it's on the debating field that their forte may be rnost poignantly observed ancl admirecl. Arguing the moral dilemmas ol contemporary society, Grammar debatels h:Lve once again clisplayed their sarcasm. wit and (on a goocl nlght), 1ogic. For although 1995 rnay be the Year of Toierance, there is only so much one can stand...and this year GrammzLr's patience was shofi. Having efficiently c1ealt w-ith the preliminary rolrnds of the Queenslancl Debating Union Schools' Competition, seven of

our nine teams verbally battled their way thror-rgh the knock-out section. Outstanding achievements were made cluring this season, especially considering that competition from other schools is continually intensifying. As the popularity of clebating increases throughout the state, it seems natural that this activity is constantly gaining greater recognition. The Q.D.U. inter- school competition has more pafiicipants than any other interschool activity. \fith the involvement of such large num- bers of students, teams are assured of high quality debates, as was plainly evident this season.


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