1995 School Magazine

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6irlg' @remmer $cbool @risbsne 1995


which was broadcast live from the Gehrmann Theatre. This in- volved transforming the theatre into a veritable film studlo with a vast aff ay of audio-visual equip- ment. Four lucky Cinebuffs mem- bers were given a tour of the Outside Broadcast vans used in the productlon and transmission of the program. This proved to be very interesting and we learnt much about the complexity of television production. As this is only the second year in which the club has been rtinning, we have been fortu- nate to have enjoyed an exciting and productive time. Once again. thanks must be extended to Mrs Kimber and Mr Rowe1l for the invaluable time and effort that they have contributed to the suc- cessful running of the club. Good

f inebulls has had a pro- \-rductive vear sith the commencement of several ma- jor projects, notably the short film Hanging On . the opening of the MaCrae Grassie Sports Centre and the production of the 1995 Fashion Parade video. Aside lrom these projects, the club has continued lunch-time film screenings and discussion se\- sions. This year we have viewed a variety of films of the different techniques and forms adopted by film makers. One of the highlights of the

year was a visit lrom a plofes- sional musician, Mr Oswel1, who has been involved in many nota- b1e film scores. We derived great benefit from his prcsenlxtion which offered us valuable insights into the field of sound- track production. More recently, cluring the VP Day celebra- luck tions, Grammar was selected as the venue for a student forum

Outside the "Outside Broddccist" t)dns


an even bigger and better' 1996! ANNE-LOUISE WATKINS & HELEN FLINT

CINEBIJFFS Standing (L-R): T Ware, l/[. Henderson, T. Tueeck'lale I{neeling (f-R): ./ Cd.meron, A. Wong, H. Flint, G. SteLuat"t Sitting (L-R): A-L. Watkins, E. West, E. Markuell


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