1995 School Magazine
@rrlq' @rdmmar Sclt00[ @rigban0 1995
((1 thene is all ahout getting intellectual stimulation and AU.ng rble to exchange ideas on issues w-e normally wouldn't have the opportunity to talk about," said Vicki Muller, who was one of the first Athene mernbers to give a paper for 1995. "Sfhy Can't rVe Accept Homosexuality?" proved her statement, plovoking intellectual and enlightening discr-rssion. The Athene Club, named after the Greek goddess of \ilisdom, encourages senior students from B.G.G.S. and B.G.S. to meet and interact socially, while broaclening their knowledge through indepth discussions on political, social, economlc, religious and philosophical issues. They include topics of current relevance and ones of long-term significance and interest. A remarkably diverse range of topics has been pre- sented this year from Alison Meeking's "Group Intolerance"; and Michael Jokic's "Redefining Male Stereotypes", to Justine Cameron's "The Reftrgee Crisis"; Simon Nothling's "Technology
and Sport", and Tlinity Ryan's very entertaining, "Ail Men Should have a Vasectomy". Lively discussion ensr-red after the presentation of such papers, developing among the participants, a greater tolerance of people's range of perspectives, opinions and lifestyles, and a greater respect for individual's opinions. The 1995 Athene members have provided challenging and confrontational pa- pers of a very high standard, which allowed for enthusiastic, informed debate. This quality continues to be a source of inspiration within the Athene Club. Many thanks are due to a1l those members who delivered papers and to those who acted as chairperson for them. Thanks must also go to the Boys' Grammal Athene contact, Michael Jokic, fbr his consistent dedication and organisation, as well as to staff members Mr Short, Mrs Colwill, Mr Dale and Mrs Seckold, for their continlling sllpport and involvement. FRANCESCA MASON f1\ ! lr' $ & L
ATHENE Back Rolo (I-R): T Peel, I'1. Wilson, A. Tranberg, E. Freut, C. Robinson., N. GalFneJ)
Third Rotl (I-R): F Hanger, C'. HLtnter, K. Dodsuortb, T. Ryan, B.l[acgilliuray, I?. Henclerscn,,F. Caneron, C. Lennctx Second Rou (I-R): P Ahern, V. Muller, H. Lauson, N. Goddard, S J. St Clair, K. Dancer, H. Flittt, J. C'ameron Front Rou) (I-R): R Hertzell, A. Meeking, Mr A. Dale. F. Mason, Mrs R. ColwilJ. Z. At[ctor, S. Badgeryt
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