1995 School Magazine
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@irlg' Grammar Srl]oo[ Z1rigbsnp 1995
ttffidi a new name and image, the Animal Protection W Sn.i.ty has begun a new era of generous care and support from Grammar gids for a serior-rs problem that exists separate from their immediate experiences. Hopefully, no girl will ever find herself embroiled in the horrifying practice of vivisectlon or accused of animal mistreatment. The APS works to raise funds to prevent such miscarriages of justice from occurring. However, one of the other aims is to help animals in need, by supporting groups that resclte stranded whales or give homes to stray cats and dogs. Ideally, the c1i-rb, with four times the support recorded last year, would love to suppofi a1l gloups involved in animal protection.
Several fundraising efforts have been made: the very tempt- ing and study-assisting exam survival packs, an extremely successful sweet stall on swimming day, participation in the RSPCA doorknock. and a pastry sta1l at the athletics carnival. The club plans on School Open Day being the biggest event with in'entive games and traditional wares being arranged. It has been very encouraging to see many individuals assisting in every way, suggesting many ideas and taking on responsibility for the success of the group as a w-hole. \ilith sights set at raising over $tooo ln 1995, the APS clearly has a firm foundation within the school and hopefullywill gain even more suppofi in the coming years. BENITA NEWTON (PRESIDENT)
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ANIMAL PROTECTION SOCIETY Back RotQ (L-R): A Rr,tdclffi, H-J. Kim, T. rX/arq K. Gibson. T. Hagan, Y. Miller, K. Miller, M. Henderson, S. Marrtney. S. Nystrom. D. Feng, A. Sbarma. Y. Vincent FffiltRoutQ-R):.J.He(ip,K Plant,N.Peters,A,L.Watklns,.l.Ascottgb.J.Harrington-McFeeter.A.Cbapman,S.SPansuick,A.Bimrctse.A.Douglas, R. Ieuis, K. Hou,ard, A. WoocJ, M. Steuensol't. Fourtlt Row (I-R): I(. O'sttlliuan, A. Tranberg, A Rycler, M. Chailton, E. Sage, R. Shepberd, D. Kricher, S. Lockutctctcl, V. Paull, K. Ferrari, C. Jobnson,.l. Tranberg, L. Tbonson Third Rorp (L-R): S Todtl, C Kok. P. Hack, R. Totde, A. Poutell, M. Cobn, S.7but, E. Falke, M. McMahon, C. Ko, H. Kim, i'r.I. C'larke, K. Achilles, S. Crctne, V. Stea.trt, L C'ban Second. Rorl) (L-R): E. Rahemtuld, L. Simpson, V. Reitty, R. Gra1. E. C'ockburtt, B. Paine, P. Asadullah, D. Sam.aratuttgd, M. Siu. G. Belot, A. xlagnetti, E. whiting,./. Cdstrisos, E. Benisott, E. 7nr'ce. A. Huddleston Front Roro (I-R): K. Kerstuell, A. Wong, G. Steu..trt, E. Markuell, Mrs D. R.yder, Mrs R. Kings, lJ. Neutott, D. Cbeng, S. Millman,-C. Ricketts
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