1995 School Magazine

@irlE' @rgmmBr Srlr001 [risbane 1995


,Th" enthusiasm for Amani has grown by leaps and I bounds this year, as can be seen by our increased membership. U,rder the inspidng leaclelship of Mrs Hadgraft and Mme Duff we have supported UNICEF, \forld Vision and Amnesty International. Our fund-raising for these organlsations has included tradi- tional School Day stalis, our increasingly popular PJ. days and selling badges and candles fbr Amnesty International. An appeal was also held for the crisis in Mozambique, with the generosity of the school commr,rnity allowing us to contribute to the work of World Vision in providing long term solutions to the problems. UNICEF mugs and cards were again very popular at our School Day stall and a great success as a great fund-raiser. The two PJ. days held this year were met with wholehearted

approval by both teachers and students with people abandon- ing their blue ties and skifis in favour of dressing gowns and Ug boots. One particular success for both Amnesty and Amani was our involvement in their Lugent action appeal to the Lom6 govern- ment. The letters we wrote expressed our concern over the treatment of a group of prisoners held without charge or lega1 representation. As a result of the Amnesty campaign, the prisoners were set a trral date and Amani felt that we had been part of that sllccess. Other urgent action appeals have been dealt with as they appearecl. This year has been sr-rccessfr-ri and busy and we hope that the enthusiasm for Amani continues into the future .

AMANI Back Rota (f-p: ./ Burton, N. Stirling, K. M.t, J. Mcleod. A. McTauisb

Third Rott (I-R): L Milduaters, B. Couplancl, J. Darby, F. Cameron, J. Fox, G. Bucbr.tnan Second Roto (I-R): E Wilson, E. Rogers, D. Kircber, S. Emerson, A. Smitb, N. Searle Front Rou (L-R): N Warren, C. Kok, A. Tranbetg, Mrs S. ITadgraft,J He.ip, M. Cbandler, M. Siu

Absent: R. Tong




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